01. the return

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hello and we are back, this is book 2 in the racer hearts series. mirrorball is book 1 but this can be read as a stand alone. 

okay first things first this book starts Monaco 2022 and we are going to get a bit of backstory before we dive into the drama!

 another thing to note: there will be alot of french and italian translation here, please forgive me if i made mistakes. i'm still a learner in both languages.

this chapter is about 3500 words i hope you enjoy it :) and the visuals below. 

cant wait to hear your thoughts, lots of love Vi 

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The Mediterranean sunbathed the picturesque streets of Monaco in a warm glow as Valentine stepped out of her front door. The familiar scent of saltwater and blooming bougainvillea filled the air, triggering a flood of memories from her past.

As she walked through the charming cobblestone streets, Valentine couldn't help but notice there was an air of cosmopolitan energy that mingled with the timeless elegance of the principality. The view of the sparkling azure sea stretching out before her, just as breathtaking as she remembered. She strolled through the enchanting streets of Monaco, her steps unhurried and graceful, like a dancer moving to an invisible rhythm. The sunlit afternoon casted a golden hue on the pastel-colored buildings that lined the narrow cobblestone pathways.

Dressed in a flowing white sundress that gently swayed with every step, Valentine exuded an effortless elegance. The fabric caught the breeze, billowing around her legs, and the subtle patterns of lace and embroidery added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble. A wide-brimmed hat adorned with a silk ribbon shielded her face from the sun, leaving only glimpses of her sun-kissed features. Valentine's chestnut hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves. As she walked, she couldn't help but smile at the familiar sights and sounds of her hometown. The air carried the scent of blooming flowers and the salty sea, a symphony that filled her senses with nostalgia.

As she walked along the harbor, the iconic track unfolding before her, Valentine marveled at the transformation of Monaco during the Grand Prix. The streets, normally a quiet and elegant showcase of luxury, now pulsed with the vibrant energy of the racing spectacle. Temporary grandstands lined the course, and the scent of freshly laid asphalt mingled with the aroma of the azure waters. The distant murmur of clinking rigging and lapping waves created a maritime symphony that resonated with the elegance of the principality.

Monaco Grand Prix was in a few days and the hustle and bustle of the race weekend had already taken over her hometown.

Turning a corner, Valentine spotted the vibrant bustle of the fruit market just ahead. Just as it had always been. She walked over to the fresh berries picking up and inspecting the box of strawberries. Juliette loved strawberries and refused to have her morning breakfast without them.

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