04. calm before the storm

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hello lovies, this isnt a very long chapter but thats cause the very next one is the wedding(max/marcy) chapter where we all know a certain monegasque driver meets his fate! until then enjoy this update and hopefully we are prepared for what comes next 😋

cheers, Vi x

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The soft morning sunlight filtered through the flowing white curtains, bringing with it the warmth of July and the fragrance of the Mediterranean sea. Valentine stretched her arm, feeling her mind go from blissful sleep to awareness. She opened her eyes, feeling the gentle rise and fall of the chest beneath her head. As she blinked away the last traces of sleep, she smiled realizing that at some point last night she had curled up into Luc's arms.

The previous night's memories lingered in the air, the echoes of laughter and whispered confessions filling the room. They had celebrated their third year anniversary with a quiet dinner, in the guest house on the villa, so they could have the privacy but still close enough if Juliette needed them. Now, as the morning unfolded, they lay in bed tangled in each other.

Luc stirred; Valentine looked up. Their eyes meeting in an adoring gaze. A smile crept across his face as he tightened his embrace, Valentine traced lazy circles on his chest with her fingertips. The world outside their cocoon of warmth and intimacy seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a tranquil bubble.

"Good morning," Luc murmured, his voice a soft his Italian accent thick.

"Good morning, cuore mio," Valentine replied.

The scent of morning mingled with the familiar fragrance of the pillows and sheets that cradled them, creating an atmosphere of comfort and familiarity.

As they revealed in the simple joy of being together, Luc gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, tracing the contours of her features with gentle fingertips.

"I could get used to waking up like this," Valentine said. "Just like Italy, peacefully. I've missed you so much, it hasn't been the same with you moving back and forth. I'm glad I came to you."

"Me too. There's something magical about mornings with you," Luc kissed her forehead. "I've missed you too."

Their eyes locked, and in a shared gaze, before she leaned up and met his lips in a tender yet heated lip lock.

"Ti amo, mio tesoro," Luc whispered, the words carrying a weight of sincerity that echoed through the room.

"Anch'io ti amo, più di quanto le parole possano esprimere." (I love you too, more than words can say.)

His fingers gently traced the delicate curve of her jaw as he leaned back in, capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. The kiss deepened, all the love Valentine felt for Luc and Luc felt for her poured in that kiss, the air filled with a gentle intimacy.

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