07. could this be for the better?

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alright my lovies,

for some reason wattpad decided to unpublish this entire book when i went to create a draft for this chapter. now i'm updated it and it should all be okay. plus here is the newest update. i know this book is going really slow in terms of the 'chaval' (charles + valentine) content but that was the only way i think a second chance romance would work. i'm going to be busy for the rest of this week and through the weekend so i wont be updating until next week but i hope you enjoy this almost 4K word chapter with so many emotions. 

lots of love x

Violet 🌸 

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Valentine sat in her cozy studio surrounded by splashes of vibrant colors on canvases scattered around. The faint scent of turpentine lingered in the air, a familiar comfort to her. With a paintbrush in hand, she attempted to lose herself in her art, seeking solace in the strokes of paint on the canvas.

But try as she might, Valentine couldn't shake off the restless feeling that had settled deep within her since Charles had returned to her life. It had been years since they parted ways, but now that their paths had crossed again, she wasn't sure how to handle her emotions. She had once been deeply in love with Charles that she would have done anything for him and then Juliette was born. But having Charles back in her life brought back a flood of unresolved emotions and unanswered questions.

She wondered if he still held a place in her heart if the wounds of their past could ever truly heal. She couldn't help but wonder what conversations had taken place between Charles and Juliette, what memories they had created together.

Valentine had tried to bury herself in her artwork, seeking refuge in the creative process, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Charles and the unresolved feelings of uncertainty that lingered. She set aside her paintbrush and let out a heavy sigh.

The weight of uncertainty still lingered, but amidst the chaos of her emotions, one thing remained clear Juliette had never been happier than when she came back home after spending the day with Charles.

Valentine could still picture the smile on her daughter's face. The happiness that radiated from her. She had spent that whole night thinking about what Charles had asked for and if she was comfortable letting Juliette spend so much time with Charles so suddenly.

That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the skyline was painted in hues of gold and crimson Valentine had decided maybe this could be for the better.


A few days later, Valentine was back in her studio working on another painting when she received a text message from Charles. He wanted to meet, to talk about Juliette and the possibility of them co-parenting more effectively.

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