12. two lost souls

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[i know i havent updated this book in awhile but i was struggling with where this story was going, i've finally found a grove and i know where i want the next couple of chapters to be so i'm back :) hope you enjoy this chapter. 

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x Vi ]

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Valentine gazed out of the window of the Italian restaurant; the streets of Florence stretched out in front of her in a soft glow of the November sun

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Valentine gazed out of the window of the Italian restaurant; the streets of Florence stretched out in front of her in a soft glow of the November sun. Her mind wandered around her. The unexpected call from Luc, after promising to keep his distance, had shaken her more than she cared to admit. She had agreed to meet him, if only to close a chapter of her past that had lingered like an unfinished sentence.

Luc didn't deserve the drama that came with her life and sure he was the best parts of her life but if she wanted to keep Juliette safe from all the scandal that could follow if people ever found out that she had kept Charles from his kid she needed to make sure Luc wasn't a loose end that could result in their carefully crafted story to fall apart. He sat across from her now, his brown eyes earnest as he spoke, but Valentine found herself distracted.

"How have you been, Val?" Luc asked, his voice soft and tinged with regret.

She sipped her cappuccino, gathering her thoughts. "I've been... good. Busy. Juliette keeps me on my toes, and... well, you know how it is."

Luc nodded, a shadow passing over his face. "I'm glad for Juliette and for you. Really, I am. I just—" He paused, looking down at his coffee. "I needed to see you. Us choosing to not continue being together was hard. I still love you so much."

Valentine's heart ached with pain. She still loved him too, but they had to do this for Juliette. "Luc," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I still have feelings for you, but we have to think about Juliette. Her well-being comes first. She needs stability, and right now, Charles provides that."

Luc looked up, his eyes reflecting the same pain she felt. "I understand, Val. But it doesn't make it any easier."

"I know," she whispered. "I'm sorry for everything."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared history pressing down on them. Valentine glanced around the restaurant, noticing a few heads turning and whispers spreading. She felt her stomach drop.

"Valentine!" a voice called out. She turned to see a group of young women, their phones aimed at her, excitement and curiosity in their eyes. "Is that you?"

She forced a polite smile. "Yes, hello."

The whispers grew louder, and soon the restaurant buzzed with murmurs of recognition. Valentine felt a cold wave of dread wash over her. She could almost hear the stories breaking in real-time, headlines screaming across social media.

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