09. the lecfosi experience

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hello lovies, this isnt a very long chapter but its very important, note the turning point and yeah, one more chapter before we hit part two in this book. sorry updates are so slow but i really just cant sit in front of the computer for too long with how im feeling. soon as im back to 100% updates will go back to more often :D

anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter. dont forget to vote. share and comment. 

x Vi. 

PS: what are your thoughts on this banner below? should i use it for all chapters of no?

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Valentine's decision to take Juliette to the Monza Grand Prix was driven purely by her daughter's longing to see her father. As they made their way through the bustling crowds at the circuit, Valentine couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of being recognized by fans and media.

Juliette, oblivious to the speculation swirling around them, clung tightly to Valentine's hand, her excitement palpable. "I can't wait to see Papa, Mom! Do you think he'll let me sit in his car?"

Valentine smiled down at her daughter, masking her apprehension with a reassuring grin. "I'm sure Papa will let you sit in his car, sweetheart. He's been looking forward to seeing you just as much as you've been looking forward to seeing him."

As they reached the paddock area, Valentine's worst fears were realized when a group of fans spotted her and began whispering amongst themselves. Cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust in her direction as reporters clamored for a statement.

"Valentine, over here! Are you and Charles getting back together?"

Valentine's heart skipped a beat at the question, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a response. She glanced down at Juliette, making sure she was protected and hidden as much as possible.

"I... uh... just here to support Charles," Valentine managed to stammer out, her voice trembling slightly.

The reporters exchanged glances; she knew they were speculating because of how vague her response was. Cameras continued to click away as Valentine tried her best to keep Juliette hidden between her and the Ferrari employee that had come to meet her at the Paddock entrance, she knew sooner, or later word would get out and people would notice Juliette but for now she would try her best to keep her hidden as best as she could. Valentine held onto Juliette's hand as they made their way towards the Ferrari garage, desperate to escape the prying eyes and probing questions.

She and Charles had already discussed the possibility of their daughter being exposed. They had decided that if it were to happen, they would make it seem like Charles had kept Juliette a secret and not that he didn't know about her. Ferrari's PR team was not happy about this but at the same time it was the best possible way to keep both Juliette and Valentine protected from the media scrutiny.

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