06. after the storm

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early posting :D a joint pov chapter, new banner for joint pov, unedited, very emotional but also cute. i hope you enjoy the chapter and share your thoughts with me.

🗳here is a box of tissues for all of you 🤧


Vi x

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Valentine stormed into her home, her heart pounding with anger and betrayal. She couldn't believe her brother had chosen that moment to reveal the well-kept secret. Taking away her choice to of telling Charles about a daughter he didn't know about. She hadn't decided if she was ready to tell him. When JC decided for her, just like he had decided for her all those years ago after the breakup. Choosing to send her off to Italy to have the baby when she told him that she was pregnant but Charles had broken up with her and so she didn't tell him. Now once again JC made the decision for her.

As she slammed the door to her room shut, the rage bubbled within her. She paced trying to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded at the wedding. The flickering lights on the mantle seemed to mock her with their twinkling, mirroring the turmoil in her mind.

The secret that Juliette had been kept from her father was now laid bare. The pain of the revelation cut deep, leaving Valentine feeling exposed and vulnerable. Valentine had meticulously guarded the truth about Juliette's existence, shielding her from the complicated mess of her past with Charles. Their relationship had ended on not the best terms, and Valentine had chosen to raise Juliette on her own.

But JC... Valentine remembered the look of shock on Charles' face as he confronted Valentine, demanding an explanation. Valentine collapsed onto the couch in her room, her frustration building into tears. She couldn't fathom why JC would betray her trust in such a heartless manner.

"Valentine, viens ici," JC called out to her. (Valentine, get over here.)

"What is it you want?" Valentine asked as she made her way down to the living room. There was no sign of Juliette or the rest of her family, she knew that meant JC had made sure the others weren't around to hear whatever argument was about to break out between the siblings.

She glared at him. The silence between them loud and tense.

"Pourquoi, JC?" Valentine finally spoke, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and hurt. "Pourquoi m'as-tu trahi de cette manière? Bringing Juliette to the wedding, exposing her to Charles—it was unforgivable." (Why would you betray me like that?)

JC sighed, "You've been making decisions for your daughter without thinking about her. I don't like the guy for how he hurt you, but I don't think what you are doing is right. It was different when she didn't know about him and went about her innocent life, but she has known for little over a year now and she always asks for him. She deserves to have her father and Charles deserves to have the choice to know his daughter. Keeping Juliette a secret was never the right thing to do. It's time for her to have a relationship with her father."

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