08. steady waves, golden skies

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hello beautiful people :D 

it feels so good to be back to a writing schedule and to be working on more Charles x Juliette content. I know this story has been moving very slowly and i'm sorry but we are about to dive into some real fun, this chapter is a build up for whats coming next and for some good old fashion drama, tifosi style (iykyk) 

dont forget to vote. comment. share. dont be a silent reader my lovelies.

xx Violet

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The azure waters of Monaco sparkled under the midday sun as Charles' yacht glided silently through the harbor. Soon Charles would have to head back to the busy schedule of racing but when he reached out to Valentine, she knew she couldn't say no. The two had exchanged texts back and forth and Juliette had been spending more and more time with her farther. It wasn't until two days ago when Valentine was in her studio, and she got a call from Charles asking if she and Juliette would like to join him and his family for a day on the yacht.

Valentine had her reservations about spending time with Charles, but her love for their daughter outweighed any discomfort. She wanted Juliette to have memorable moments with her father, especially knowing how demanding his racing career could be. So, despite the tension between them, she agreed.

As the yacht ventured further from the shore, Valentine, found herself ensconced amongst Charles' family, his brothers Arthur and Lorenzo, their respective girlfriends, and their mother, Pascale, completed the gathering. They were all determined to make the most of their time together, away from the prying eyes.

The day unfolded leisurely, with laughter and light-hearted banter filling the air. Valentine watched her daughter be thrilled to be with her father, and his family. Eagerly listening to the stories, they told her about racing and tales of Charles' childhood. Valentine observed their interactions with a mixture of nostalgia and apprehension, but she couldn't deny the genuine affection between father and daughter.

They cruised along the coastline, they discovered secluded coves and hidden beaches, stopping occasionally to swim in the crystal-clear waters. Charles's skillful navigation ensured they remained unnoticed, allowing them to savor the tranquility of their surroundings without intrusion.

Throughout the day, Valentine found herself gradually letting go of her reservations, swept up in the warmth of family bonds rekindled. Pascale had been so open and accepting of her despite her keeping Juliette a secret from them. Karlee being there made up for the occasional uneasiness she thought she would feel. Valentine had spent most of her time marveling at the genuine connection between Charles and Juliette. She had never thought that letting Charles into Juliette's life would have brought such a beautiful smile onto her face.

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