11. the change is near

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alright lovelies, another update ready sorry its been taking awhile, i had a huge writers block for this book. but i think i'm back on track, i know where i'm going from here :) 

i hope you are enjoying the book.

dont forget to vote. comment and share.


─── ✨🎨🍨🎀✨ ──

January 2017-September 2017

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January 2017-September 2017

Valentine woke with a start, her heart racing. The sheets were damp with sweat, clinging to her body like a second skin. She wondered if she'd just had a nightmare. But no, that wasn't quite it. It was more like a memory, a bad one that she wished she could forget. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing pulse, and looked around the room before she threw off the sheets and got up, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart.

It had been a month since she'd found out she was pregnant, and the news still felt like a punch to the gut. Not only because she wasn't ready to be a mother but also the timing that had thrown her for a loop. Her life was supposed to be spread out before her like a banquet, waiting to be explored and savored. But instead, here she was, faced with the most unexpected and life-altering decision.

She padded over to the window, the cool air sea breeze feeling refreshing against her skin. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon. Valentine stared out at the water. She knew she had to move forward, focus on her baby and her future, but sometimes it was easier said than done.

Taking a deep sigh, she walked into her bathroom decided to take a shower and head to her art class instead.

The water cascaded down Valentine's tired shoulders, washing away not just the physical strain of the nightmare but also the weight of her emotional turmoil. Each droplet seemed to carry a piece of her worries, carrying them down the drain to be forgotten, if only for a little while.

As she stood beneath the comforting stream, her mind drifted, replaying the events of the past few weeks. Being a single mother had never been part of her plan, yet here she was, facing the daunting reality of raising her child alone. The thought of giving her baby up for adoption had crossed her mind more times than she cared to admit, but each time she couldn't bring herself to follow through. The love she felt for her little one was overwhelming, a beacon of hope in her otherwise chaotic life.

But with love came responsibility, and the weight of it sometimes threatened to suffocate her. How was she supposed to juggle motherhood, university, and her own aspirations? Doubt gnawed at her, whispering cruel reminders of her shortcomings.

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