02. memory lane

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i'm on a roll haha! here is another chapter of gold rush, this story is so fun to write this one is charles pov. this one is in link to mirrorball's the saints gala chapter. but we also go a bit down memory lane, next chapter we will be back with Valentine :) i've let my more poetic side come out this this story because both charles and valentine are artistic and creative people and have a very rose coloured view on life. hope you enjoy this chapter. yours, Violet x

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The opulent ballroom of the charity gala was well lit with crystal chandeliers, and the hushed murmur of well-dressed patrons carried around the room

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The opulent ballroom of the charity gala was well lit with crystal chandeliers, and the hushed murmur of well-dressed patrons carried around the room. Among the exquisite displays stood a large painting of Monaco City, Charles couldn't help but be captivated by the brush strokes and the delicacy by which the painting was created. A strange sense of familiarity stood out to him. He tried to see any telltale signs of who the artist might have been, but Karlee had been very adamant of making sure the donors names were all kept anonymous. And Charles had been to many of the Saint's charity galas to know how particular they were with following pattern. So, he stood staring at the painting trying his very best to uncover the mystery of the painter.

The painting was a masterpiece it was so well done, that there was no escaping its craftmanship. The city skyline was painted in warm tones of sunset, perfectly to mirror the charm and sophistication of Monaco. He continued to study the brush strokes when a twinge of recognition and realization hit him, this was Valentine's work. Memories flooded back, intertwining with the strokes of the brush that he knew so well. As Charles stood there, lost in the contemplation of the canvas, he sensed a presence approaching clad in an impeccably tailored suit.

Turning, he met the steely gaze of Valentine's older brother, Jean Claude Carlatta or simply know as JC. The air grew tense with unresolved emotions, Charles knew what Valentine's family thought of him. He watched JC's jaw tick as he glared back at him with animosity.

"So, Charles," JC drawled, the words dripping with a subtle disdain. "Admiring my sister's work, are you?"

Charles swallowed tension palpable. "JC. I didn't expect to see you here."

JC's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Likewise. But it seems you didn't abandon all your connections when you made it to formula one. And now you've seemed to have found your way back to Valentine, albeit through a canvas."

Charles's gaze flickered between the painting and JC. "I didn't know Valentine was contributing to the auction."

A cold laugh escaped JC's lips. "That's the point of a silent auction."

Charles tried his best not to let JC's harsh words affect him, he knew he couldn't make a scene here. "The piece is stunning."

"Stunning, indeed. Just like the mess you left behind when you walked away from her. Valentine poured her heart into this, you know. It's a shame she never got the recognition she deserved."

gold rush | charles leclerc (𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨)Where stories live. Discover now