05. the storm hits

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hello beautiful people, here is another update, this is the reveal chapter and from here on we will be moving towards the main plot, the build up done, the cats out of the bag and now we see how charles handles this challenge. chapter is not edited so i'm sorry if there are errors. another thing i wanted to mention is this story deals with ALOT of angst but we will get to happier times eventually so i'm sorry for all the emotions. 

please dont be a silent reader, i love to hear from you guys :)


yours, Vi x

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 As Charles navigated the bustling atmosphere of Marcy's Tuscany villa, adorned with the decorations for the wedding, he couldn't help but feel the excitement in the air. Laughter and chatter surrounded him as he made his way through the venue, checking on the guests and ensuring everything was in order.

As he turned a corner, he unexpectedly came face to face with Valentine, his ex-girlfriend from five years ago. The air instantly tensed with unspoken history, and Charles could sense the discomfort emanating from her. Her expression revealed a mixture of surprise, discomfort, and a hint of hostility.

Marcy had warned him that her wedding planner had recruited Valentine to do the designs for the invitation cards, the thank you cards and when Marcy learnt she had requested for a painting that would be the main backdrop in the banquet hall, what Charles hadn't expected was to see her at the wedding. It had been five years since they last saw each other, and memories of their past relationship flooded back.

"Valentine," Charles greeted her, attempting to keep the situation cordial despite the palpable tension. "It's been a while."

Valentine gave a curt nod, her eyes betraying a subtle resentment. "Charles," she replied tersely, avoiding prolonged eye contact.

Charles could sense that Valentine was not pleased with the unexpected encounter. Memories of their past together and the reasons for their breakup seemed to linger in the air. Wanting to diffuse the tension, he decided to address the situation diplomatically.

"I hope you're doing well," Charles said, trying to keep the conversation light. "It's Max's big day, and I don't want any unnecessary drama."

Valentine's response was guarded, and she simply muttered a forced acknowledgment. He couldn't shake the feeling that she was uneasy. She glanced around nervously, as if afraid of being caught somewhere she wasn't supposed to be. He wanted to inform her that he was aware that she was the artist behind the painting and that Marcy had told him of her being used as a designer for the wedding graphics, but before he could do so a little voice calling out distracted him.

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