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Lily was just getting comfortable, as she put her pyjamas on and got on the couch to watch a movie since she would be waiting quite some time for her friend Alex to come home.
Two hour and a half had passed until Lily suddenly heard Alex bursting into the home and screaming:


"Heyy bestie, how were the last hours at the café?", asked Lily.

"Very loooonng when you're on your own", replied Alex as she was removing her shoes

"What do you mean on your own ? Lucas and Jade were with you", rationalised the brunette.

"Yeah yeah they were here of course" agreed Alex, "but after you left at four, Jade had to leave barely an hour after you 'cause she had an appointment, so it was just me, Lucas and the clients." The exhaustion could be heard in her voice as she said the last word.

"Oh you're dramatic, it wasn't even that crowded today'', laughed Lily.

"Yeah but still Lily I'm so exhausted", Alex answered, just glad to be home.

"Go relax a bit?", she suggested to her friend.

"Yeah I was going to do that but before that I need to find our boy so I can hug him".

"He's in my room sleeping", Lily informed.

Alex quite literally ran to Lily's room, finding the cat on the bed.

"MONSIEUR MOUSTACHE I MISSED YOUUU", Alex yelled with relief to finally see her beloved cat again - she had literally seen him earlier in the morning.

"His name is still Bernard in case you forgot" Lily rolled her eyes while joining Alex upstairs.

As Alex and Lily started hugging their cat, Bernard just wanted to flee and find a calm part of the house. A frown appeared on both of the girls' faces when the cat just decided to run from them and Alex took this as a sign to just go shower until Bernard was ready for human presence again.

While Alex was showering, Lily went back downstairs to make dinner for her and her best friend - Tuesday was pasta day. When Alex joined her friend in the kitchen, they started eating in silence until Alex got an idea:

"Girl, I saw a video on youtube today where people just text strangers to play games or like the neighbour number thing you know? I kinda wanna do that"

"Oh yeah why not, could be fun", replied Lily as she was interested in that idea. "Here, just put whatever and I'll text the person who has that number"

As Alex gave Lily's phone back to her after writing "whatever" as her friend said, Lily just started typing and asked about the first game that came to her mind.


Another sigh left Lily's mouth as she was ignored once again. For the past hour, she had been texting strangers - whose numbers were randomly given to her by her best friend Alex - and asked them to play 21 questions with her. For now, four people had left her on read and the only one who had replied had just said "Wrong number, don't bother me again." - rude much? Alex rubbed her friend's shoulder for comfort and gave her another number to which Lily groaned:

"If this one isn't successful within 5 minutes, I'll just go to bed and give up"

"Alright, well if you don't mind I'll go now because I don't want to see you even more frustrated than you are now", Alex laughed at the other girl.

As Alex went to her room, Lily sent the last message of the day and was already prepared to go to sleep in a couple of minutes.


Heyy stranger, wanna play 21 questions?? :)

After thirty seconds, Lily realised that she was definitely not motivated enough to wait five minutes and immediately left the living room after seeing that her text was delivered. As she arrived at her room, she threw her phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth as well as her hair.
When she came back, she was ready to turn off her phone for the rest of the night but was surprised to see that she had a message - maybe it was Alex sending her tiktoks with the usual message being "us<3" or "that's so you girl". However, as she unlocked her phone, she discovered it wasn't from her best friend but from the last person she had texted.

★ ★ ★★ ★

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