07. (2)

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It was finally the actual date of Lily's birthday. As she had already spent a really nice evening the day before with Alex, she wasn't expecting much when she woke up. Obviously, everyone at the café had been giving a day off as the four coworkers were planning to maybe hang out to celebrate Lily's twentieth birthday.

As it had happened last year as well – since the two girls started living together, both Lily's and Alex's parents called her to wish her a good day and catch up on what was new. The two families had been close since the two became best friends and would often have get-together, even as Lily and Alex moved out from their family houses.

After an hour spent talking to her parents and "second" parents, Lily received a message from the group chat with her friends.

Caffeine addicts💃🏻💃🏻


Okayy guys
Everyone meet at noon at our house
We're going out :))


Will I drive the whole way or be able to leave my car at yours?
Bc if i do, i need gas💀


That'd be great bc I'm not making my bestie drive on her bday
I'll pay for it even
Or you drive our car idk


Kk, I'll go now
And no need dw<3
I'll regret not having gas and forgetting in a few days i know myself


I'll be there, see you soon!!

Why am I only learning ab it now??
Where are we even going like
What's the dress code??

Wear smth normal
It's gonna be chill, don't overthink

@Alexxx🫶🏻 where are you btw?


Just went to give back a plate to the neighbour
Yk she cooked us the muffins last week

Oooh ye i remember
Ig I'll get ready then

What Lily didn't know is that Alex was absolutely not at their neighbour's. The plate had been given back a few days ago already but Alex took the opportunity of Lily forgetting to use that excuse. In reality, the blonde was at the bakery to get the birthday cake she had ordered: Lily's favourite, which was a triple chocolate cake with some fresh fruits on the top.


When she came home, Alex was right on time as Lily was descending the stairs. Alex went up to her best friend to wish her happy birthday for the tenth time – she had already said it the day before as a pre-birthday celebration, then at midnight, then she had sent a couple of texts to Lily during the night. The two girls hugged for a few minutes then let go as it was almost time for their friends to arrive. The four of them were all used to being punctual so it wasn't a surprise when at five to twelve, the doorbell rang. Lucas had picked Jade up as they were living near each other. Lily being ready and Alex having prepared what she needed earlier in the morning, they all decided to go. As agreed, Lucas drove his three friends to the secret place – secret only to Lily obviously – and for the whole ride, he had let the birthday girl choose the music, which was a once in a blue moon occasion for Lucas was very picky with what type of music was played in his car. Well, today was a special day and Lily took advantage of it.

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