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What the–, Matt thought as he was currently looking at his Instagram feed. He had decided to browse through Instagram incognito with his second account, but nothing had prepared him for what he was looking at.

 He had decided to browse through Instagram incognito with his second account, but nothing had prepared him for what he was looking at

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Am I being crazy orthere's no way. Matt was kind of starting to panic as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He dared glance at Nick and Chris who hadn't noticed his confused state yet. Should he ask them for help? Should he mention his issue? Eh, what can I do alone... I need some objectivity.

"Hey guys..." Matt called for his brothers who were sitting on one of the beds.

"Yeah?" Chris replied without looking up.

"Can I talk about something?"

Feeling that it was somewhat important, Nick nudged Chris to put down his phone so that they could give their full attention to Matt.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" Nick asked as he was worried with the tone Matt used.

"Hmm, nothing major but I needed to tell you about someone."

"Okay..." Nick and Chris said in sync.

"So– I've been talking to this girl for like six or seven months I guess like since spring I'd say and..."

Now knowing where the conversation could go, neither Chris nor Nick was going to interrupt Matt as it was now or never.

"She might know us?" Matt internally cringed as he wasn't even sure of what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" Nick demanded as he wanted clarification. "Have you said anything about yourself?"

"No but why are we only learning about this girl now?" Chris eventually interrupted as he felt confused.

"Well no, like– she knows my name is Matt but that's all! It's just– wait lemme explain, I'll try to make sense." Matt was starting to panic at the idea that his brothers didn't approve of what he was going to tell them. "Ok so this girl, she's called Lily. She randomly started texting me and at first I was weary obviously but then I realised we had quite some common ground like regarding cartoons and games such as Pokemon or Fortnite. I mean, we even played together once. But unrelated I guess, I don't know..."

"Take your time bro, we ain't going nowhere." Chris reassured as he felt Matt stressing.

"Yeah, hmm... and it's just– I started following her on Instagram with my other account you know and she's really into photography so she posts landscapes and stuff, but her most recent posts looked too familiar and I just need you to confirm if I'm getting crazy or nah."

As Matt had kind of finished rambling, he gave his phone open on Lily's latest post. Nick took it and scrolled through the other posts below. Indeed, Nick and Chris felt a sense of familiarity as the photos were very much looking like the last three cities they've travelled to.

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