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At half past five in the afternoon on the East Coast, the Sturniolo triplets – Nick to be honest – successfully posted their weekly Wednesday video. They had entitled it Baking class for chris's victory *it's actually edible* and the views as well as the likes quickly appeared on Nick's screen. He had made sure that Alex and Lily were always hidden by something or someone when they were recording and the girls thanked him again for being understanding.

Now that the main events of the days were over, the group of friends decided to head back to the house. Lily asked them what they all wanted to eat for dinner tonight as she was planning on cooking and needed to know whether they had to stop to buy ingredients or not. Luckily, the triplets chose lasagna – after asking Lily three times if she didn't mind – and the designated cook knew that they had everything back home.

"Would y'all wanna meet our friends before leaving?" Lily suggested as she stopped at a red light. "I mean, Nick already saw Lucas but we could all hang out together tonight seeing as we met your best friends."

"That sounds really nice Lily," Matt agreed as his brothers did the same.

Although Alex had denied that Lily and Lucas were dating, Matt was still curious to witness their dynamic. He wondered if Lily would act no differently than if she were only with her friends and not with the triplets, and hoped that the girls' friends would like him, Chris and Nick.
While Lily finished driving them back to her house, Alex had texted their groupchat to offer Lily's idea to Jade and Lucas. They immediately replied positively, excited to meet their friends' new friends. The two coworkers knew the basics regarding Lily and Matt's relationship, but were impatient to eventually hear the full story once they'd have Alex and Lily to themselves.


Everyone was getting to know each other as Jade and Lucas had recently arrived at the girls' house and were finally able to meet the famous triplets. Not having seen either of the girls since they'd been back, Jade tightly hugged Alex and Lily for a few minutes before going to introduce herself to Nick, Matt and Chris. Lucas also hugged his friends as they welcomed him into the house, and couldn't help but feel a stare on him as he had his arm around Lily's shoulders after their hug. So that's Matt I guess, Lucas thought as he sent a smile to the middle triplet before leaving Lily to introduce himself to the two brothers he hadn't met yet. The guys all exchanged handshakes, contrary to Jade who had hugged them due to her very outgoing nature. She knew not to get shy as she trusted her best friends for not having brought creepy weirdos in their house.

Once the introductions were done, they all settled in the living-room while Lily announced that she would start preparing dinner. Jade immediately offered to help as she wanted nothing more than to catch up with her friend.

"Soooo", the youngest girl of the two began. "I need everything!"

"Babe, I can't tell you much more right now."

"Whyyyy?" Jade pleaded as she dragged out the vowel.

"Honestly, I thought we'd all have a drink over the weekend, with you and Lucas so that Alex and I can tell y'all both about last week." Lily explained with a frown as her idea had felt more practical to her.

"Makes sense, no worries! I understand," Jade smiled at her friend in comprehension. "Can you at least tell me if he treats you well?"

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