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The day had finally come: Lily and Alex were meeting the Sturniolo Triplets. Although it hadn't been long since they both started watching their videos together, they had been happily expecting this day for the past few weeks and in only a few hours, they would see them. Their flight would take less than two hours which meant that the girls would arrive on time to start queuing. Given that they were going to attend the Meet & Greet with the triplets before the show, they were supposed to arrive around noon which was perfect for them: their plane was landing at ten o'clock, it would take them an hour to go to their hotel from the airport and the venue was easy to go to by walking.
Although they had woken up at half past five, the two girls couldn't feel tired as the excitement was filling their brains. They were currently packing their clothes while dancing to songs from their collaborative playlist that was playing upstairs.

"Alex," Lily called from her room. "Which team colour are you gonna wear?"

"I mean, as a Chris girl I should wear orange but in case I feel a last minute decision, I packed all three colours".

"That's actually smart, thanks. I'm gonna do the same". Lily replied as she added an orange tank top and a purple sweater to the blue shirt that was already in her suitcase.

Luckily for the girls, they were only leaving for a couple of days which meant that they didn't have too much luggage with them, except for the "just in case" clothes that were mandatory for every trip – what if one of the girls suddenly was on her period or peed on herself everyday? As they finished packing, they didn't have anything else to do and decided to directly head to the airport so they could take their time through security and maybe have a small breakfast.


Atlanta, here they were. The sun was out and the excitement was high as Lily and Alex were leaving the airport to look for a taxi that would take them to their hotel where they would get ready for the show.
Once they arrived at the hotel, the girls checked in and went to their shared room to change.
As Lily was scrolling through Instagram, she stumbled upon Nick's Instagram story and let out a gasp. Alex peeked her head through the bathroom door and asked what was happening.

"I hadn't seen Nick's story," Lily started while rummaging through her suitcase. "He said to pull up to the Atlanta show in purple so now I wanna wear purple for him!"

As she found the purple sweater that she had packed earlier this morning, a smile grew on Lily's face. This was truly one of her favourite articles of clothing and she wasn't regretting at all to have brought it with her. To confirm her loyalty to Nick's team, Lily even asked Alex to try and draw some bats with her purple eyeliner.
Alex had decided on her favourite triplet's team: Chris's. She put on an orange crop top with a black heart on it and hoped to draw his attention with a deer themed headband she had found at the airport. To not exclude Matt by not having his colour on, Lily and Alex chose to wear blue jeans in order to express their support for him as well.
When they deemed themselves ready, the two Sturniolo Triplets fans left their hotel room and started getting to the venue which was luckily close by walking. When they arrived, they noticed that not many people were here until they realised that they were actually looking at the VIP queue and not the regular one. Indeed, the people who only had general admission tickets wished to come early to still get the best view possible even though they would be at the back of the venue.
Lily and Alex smiled at a few girls they passed and joined the end of the vip queue where they belonged, thanks to Alex's brother who had managed to secure "Diamond Package" tickets. This meant that the two girls were going to meet the triplets before the show, get to "small talk" with them, take a group picture and finally see them again after the show in the backstages. They were forever thankful for this experience and knew to find the best birthday present for Alex's brother when it would be his time to get older.

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