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Lily and Alex were now finding themselves in Jade's living room, where they all gathered there with Lucas to play board games. Following their shifts, it was some well-deserved quality time together beyond the workplace.

While playing, there was some food on the table and as Lily took a nugget, she couldn't help but think about Matt. For the past few days, she hadn't been able to take him off her mind, thus leaving her friends curious about the cause of her distraction – they knew not to ask her as she would definitely tell them at one point. Lily had never been used to making friends so this was a major change in her life as she never expected to feel attached to someone so quickly. It had only been a month and a half since she and Matt started talking, but the feeling of creating a bond with someone was honestly special to the girl.


          Following several hours of Uno – and Alex winning almost every round, they grew somewhat weary of the game and collectively agreed that it was time for everyone to depart; especially since they all had work scheduled for the following day. The only exception was Lily, who had chosen to take a day off. Consequently, the two girls bid farewell to Lucas and Jade before making their way back home.

As Lily was driving, she observed Alex who had fallen asleep in the passenger seat – it was to be expected given that it was nearly midnight, and both of them were drained from their long day at work. As they neared their destination, Lily received a text message but chose not to divert her attention from the road. Instead, she decided to wait until they reached their destination to check the message since they were almost home.

When they arrived home, Bernard was waiting for them. The cat couldn't care less about where they had been – it is a cat – but the way he was sitting right behind the door made the girls giggle a bit as Bernard looked like he was scolding them for coming back so late. After petting their beloved pet, Lily and Alex both went into their respective rooms to have a shower and get changed.

A dozen of minutes later, Lily was finally able to check her phone and saw that she had received a text from Matt – it being so late was usual for them now as they were both free mostly during the evenings. As it often happened recently, a text from Matt was enough to make a smile appear on Lily's face. She reminded herself that it hadn't been long since they started talking, but their blooming friendship was already cherished by Lily, who was enjoying the unusual change in her life.




Good you're awake
Guess which pokemon i caught today

Ooh it should be a good one
Sounds like a good one


Do I even get some hints??😭
Like its type at least

Yes my bad😅
1st hint: water
2nd hint: it's huge

That's what she said-
I have gyarados in mind
I know it's easy to find one in the DS games but maybe pokemon go is different

Drum rolls
It is...
A wrong answer
I wish i could have one tho

Wait i know then
Those were my only 2 thoughts tbh


I know wailmer is also easy to catch on DS lol but ig they changed all the capture rates

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