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"Heyy!" A voice shouted while entering the house. "How's it going?"

"Gimme a sec Matt wait," Lily said as she turned to face Alex.

"Matt?" Alex repeated, first confused then happy to see her friends spending time together.

"Yeah Matt," Lily stressed the name they were saying for the third time.

"Which is me," Matt himself called out to the girls.

Alex went to stand behind Lily who was on the couch and waved at Matt when she was in frame.

"Hey Matt, you're good?"

"Yeah, pretty good. What about you? How was work?"

"It was nice," Alex replied as she started hugging Lily while talking. "Human beings were not as annoying as usual, I was surprised."

"I get you, it's like a reward when working directly with customers who are well-educated."

Alex agreed before she and Matt started comparing their job experiences. Having forgotten, Lily was reminded that Matt once had another job with Nick and Chris before YouTube, as they had worked at a supermarket.

"Wait, lemme get comfy then I come back to y'all two if you don't mind me intruding in your time".

Both Lily and Matt quickly confirmed that it was fine for them – they had already spent almost an hour talking so it wasn't a problem to have Alex with them now.
The blonde came back a dozen minutes later, after having changed from her work attire.

"So, how's the LA life?" Alex asked Matt while Lily was trying to switch their facetime from her phone to her laptop now that there were more of them to fit in frame. "How are your clones?"

"All good, we're back to Boston soon so it'll be a nice and deserved break. We'll make an announcement for everyone in the next few days so keep that quiet for now, thanks."

"No problem," Lily reassured as neither she or Alex would ever disclose information on the triplets.

"And yeah, Nick and Chris are good too. I mean, the groupchat is never quiet for long."

"True", Alex agreed. "Are they here or are you alone?"

"Well I'm in my room right now but I can go get them so we can talk all together," Matt suggested as he started standing up from his bed. "It could be nice."

"Bro, was that the lights you turned off?" Alex gasped as she was realising that Matt wasn't even using sunlight in his room. "This is bad for you, you should open your curtains."

"Yeah", Lily said as she was on the same wavelength. "You have to do photosynthesis from time to time."

"Why are you – whoever suggested that – treating my brother like a plant?" Nick asked as Matt entered the living-room. He walked towards the phone where the voice could be heard and let out a smile as the people on the screen. "Lily, Alex, hi!"

"Hi Nick", the two girls replied in sync.

"If I'd known you were with Matt, we would've come to bother him sooner", Nick said as he was implying that he was with Chris.

"I've only been there recently," Alex explained. "But they apparently started talking wayyy before I came home."

Due to the smirk Alex had on her face, it was obvious that she wanted to tease her friends for often being on call. Chris heard her sentence from the couch and he motioned for his two brothers to join him.

"Is that so?" The youngest triplet snickered as he looked up at Matt.

"Don't make me regret leaving my room", Matt sighed. "I'm only doing so because I've been requested."

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