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       The next morning, Lily was gently woken up by Bernard the cat when he decided to sit on her neck, thus preventing her from properly breathing – this is actually far from gentle but it's her cat so everything is forgiven. When Lily started moving and went to sit up, Bernard simply moved next to her and looked at her as if he hadn't almost killed her. Those far from innocent eyes just made Lily chuckle and sigh – she and Alex were used to that happening from time to time but damn, they never missed it.

As Lily got ready to go to work, she put some music on shuffle and 21 Questions from Waterparks came on. Kind of ironic given that she was literally playing that game the evening before. Hearing this song made her think about the mysterious guy whom she texted and still had not heard from since last night. While Lily hummed to the songs that played in the background, she finished getting ready and headed to the café.


         Lily arrived at the café-bookstore one hour before opening it. She unlocked the door, letting in the first rays of daylight. With Jade and Lucas, they prepared the shop for the day as they restocked shelves and wiped down tables.

As the clock ticked towards opening time, the café started filling up with eager customers. Lily manned the espresso machine, her skilled hands expertly crafting lattes and cappuccinos. Jade served pastries with a warm smile, while Lucas organised the bookshelves, ensuring they were invitingly arranged. The bustling chatter of customers blended with the soft music playing in the background.


            Later, the lunchtime crowd began to arrive, and the trio transitioned from coffee to sandwiches and salads. Lily made her famous sandwiches while Jade and Lucas took orders and made sure everyone was well-fed and content. Amid the clinking of cutlery and the hum of conversation, Lily noticed a regular customer engrossed in a book from one of the shelves, a satisfied smile on their face.


       As the day wound down, the café-bookstore took on a peaceful ambiance. Customers lingered over their books and coffee, savouring the quiet escape from the world outside. Lily, Jade, and Lucas joined them, occasionally offering recommendations or discussing their latest reads.

        With the setting sun casting a warm glow through the windows, the trio began to close the shop. They cleaned the espresso machine, restocked shelves, and settled the cash register. As they locked the door behind the last customer, they felt a sense of accomplishment and contentment.


After the whole day at work, Lily was happy to be back home. It was almost six o'clock when she entered the house and jokingly said:

"Hey babe, I'm home!"

"Hiii girl, how was the day?", Alex asked as she was sitting on the couch.

"It was fine, people still love my sandwiches so that's enough for me lol", Lily replied. "How was yours?"

"Good as well, but better now that you're here", Alex smiled at her friend. "And even better because the triplets posted a new video not long ago!"

"Which triplets? I feel like you told me about them but I can't recall."

"Okay come here, we'll watch together."

As Lily went to sit beside Alex, the blonde's computer was showing a YouTube channel: Sturniolo Triplets was written on the screen.

"I'm pretty sure I've shown them to you once or twice like on Instagram but I don't think I've made you watch one of their videos. So they're triplets obviously and they are just sooo funny, you have to watch this video because I just know it's gonna be chaotic as always", Alex explained to her best friend.

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