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Dads. People's dads were currently on stage with Nick, Matt and Chris. It felt hilarious in the moment as no one had been expecting the triplets to switch up who they were bringing with them on stage. It had only been young fans until that point and seeing three grown adults enjoying the games was wonderful in Lily's eyes. The girls had a pretty good view due to their VIP tickets and Lily could see Alex's smile stretching to her eyes, which made Lily even happier to be able to share this moment with her.
Although Matt had won the popular vote and the painting game thanks to his teammate Mark, Chris took the lead during the Trivia game and was ready to win his nth basketball game. Then, as it was time for the last game of the show – Jenga, Chris was on the verge of victory and it got confirmed when Matt, once again, knocked down the tower. As the show was over, there was a round of applause for the triplets' teammates and the coronation of the winner started. Each team received a medal and took pictures before Chris eventually got crowned for the fifth time since the tour had begun.
As Nick was concluding today's show, Matt threw his shoes into the crowd which made the whole crowd cheer. Finally, Chris asked for everyone to call out Tril's name. Tril – also known as YSB Tril or Trilly – was the triplet's friend and a singer who had been invited to do a small concert at the end of some of the shows as he was living on the East coast. While Alex knew a couple of his songs, Lily had no idea that he was going to be here today but the two girls enjoyed it as the atmosphere was incredible.


    Both the show and concert were over, but it wasn't time for Alex and Lily to go back to their hotel room as they had backstage access and were currently being guided there where they would see the triplets for the third time today.

"That shit feels kinda sketchy for real", Alex started. "But after everything we've experienced today I don't care like– we could be kidnapped or murdered, I can die happy."

"Damn bro, I wish I could say the same but we only lived twenty years so I hope we get a bit more", Lily objected while laughing.

They were now waiting in line to go talk to the triplets and realised that they were the last ones, which made them hope that they could maybe get more time as no one would be waiting behind them. When there were only a handful of fans left in the room, Lily and Alex were called to start a conversation with any of the brothers. While Alex directly went to Chris to congratulate him on his victory, Lily decided to go see Nick as she saw that Matt was still talking to two girls.

"Nick heyy! How's it going since earlier?"

"Bats girl hi! Awesome and you?" Nick was absolutely digging Lily's energy.

"Quite sad purple team didn't win but I got to meet you guys so that's enough for me. And I got your merch so I'll remember this forever!" Lily unfolded the purple shirt to show it to Nick.

"Great choice, I obviously approve," Nick nodded as he took the shirt to sign it. "Are you still in need of a photographer?"

"Oh my god yes, a hundred percent still trusting your skills." Lily laughed as she gave her phone to Nick so that he could take pictures.

"Thank you so much," Lily said as she got her phone back and hugged Nick. "I hope you enjoy the last shows and that you win at least one more time!"

"Let's hope so yeah, byye!"

The two new best friends waved at each other as Lily went to take Alex's place with Chris while the blonde walked towards Matt.

"Hi again!"

"Hey, have you realised now that you should have chosen the same team as your friend?" Chris teased as he pointed to his crown.

"Hmm," Lily feigned to think. "Maybe but I have faith in Nick, he gotta come back."

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