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    It was time for Matt and his brothers to film another car video. This would be entitled WE RATE YOUR PETS (very scary or cute) and although people could guess from the title what it would be about when the video would come out on a Friday, Matt started explaining the point of it:

"Well, actually a fan said 'rate our dogs' so Nick said 'oh my god, let's rate people's pets'. And then he put on the Instagram story 'rate all different types of pets' so you guys sent your birds, your cats, your dogs, your lizards, your cows, your horses, your mice–"

"YOUR MOM!" Chris interrupted Matt as the latter let out a small laugh and covered his mouth when doing so while Nick widened his eyes in the backseat.

As Matt pulled out his phone to start looking through the pictures of animals they've been sent, Chris and Nick warned their viewers that they should not be hurt by whatever they could say about the pets they would rate.

"It's just like a funny game, we actually love all animals", Chris clarified in case people would start criticising them for being too harsh and honest during the video.


    The triplets had started rating a couple of animals when the camera cut – funny enough – due to them talking about their new project coming soon:

"We're interrupting today's car video to plug Cut the Camera Podcast on all platforms". Nick was indeed promoting what would be released in a few days as Matt added that a trailer giving a preview to their fans was already out since the beginning of the week.


    After being brutally honest towards every dog that they saw, the mood changed in the car as Nick announced with a frown that the next dog they were about to rate had died recently.

"Rest in peace, Sam."

The brothers let out an aww when looking at Sam's picture as they found the dog adorable. Nick was still acting considerate of Sam the dead dog as he concluded:

"Well, I'm happy that Sam had owners that loved him".

"Me too", Matt agreed.

However, Chris decided to ruin the sweet moment:

"What if they neglected Sam–"

"No." Nick immediately stopped Chris from saying more as he knew his youngest brother would just talk shit.


    After rating a horse that they really badly judged, the triplets did a 180° when they came across a picture of a pug and a cat, which they were all enjoying. Although the three were ecstatic while looking at the photo, Matt was the most fascinated out of them as he took the phone to admire the two pets more closely.

"Oh. My. God", Matt gasped at the picture. "Wow."

The triplets kept admiring the picture and couldn't stop smiling at how cute they thought the two animals were.


"Oh wow..." Matt started as he was frowning at the new picture he was about to show his brothers. "Look at Bernard, who names their pet Bernard?"

"Well, it's your middle name so you don't have any right to judge this poor animal Matt", Nick retorted.

"That's– that's a Google search", Chris immediately reacted as the cat looked weird to him. "Ain't no way that's her dog".

The triplets all started laughing at Chris's comment. Although the picture was a bit funny, it was still obvious that Bernard was a cat – his owners will probably feel outraged when they hear what has been said about their beloved pet, but then also over the moon that he appeared in car video, and finally amazed at the coincidence that Matt was the one to choose the photo amongst what might have been thousands of others.

"I mean, I thought that was a hamster so–" Nick nervously laughed as he and Chris were just weirded out by the pet.

"I think he's a cute cat", Matt said to try and hype up the pet. "It's just the angles".


    After having rated a dozen of pets – a certain favouritism towards dogs was to be noticed, Chris chose to end the car video by asking his brothers which animal they would be. As Matt replied that he wanted to be an owl and Nick had no answer to give, Chris announced with a serious face that he would be a serpent as the camera went closer to his face. Then as this is how they usually ended their Friday videos, Matt brought the camera to his mouth and let out a small scream to conclude.

"No but", Matt started as he turned to face his brothers after turning off the camera. "I wanna know who the fuck names their cat Bernard. Poor thing is not a middle-aged man."

"Yeah like, did they do that because of you or is it just a coincidence?" Chris wondered.

"Honestly it sounds like a huge coincidence to me", Nick tried to find the most reasonable explanation. "But in the very little possibility that they did it on purpose, they didn't choose the best triplet. I think we can all agree that out of our three middle names, Owen would be the least worst for a pet."

"Well thank you Antonio", Chris turned to the backseat and gave a genuine smile to his brother. "Bernard, you can suck it."

★ ★ ★★ ★

Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :)

The story is co written w little_grapejuice

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