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Not long after Lily had finished preparing the pancakes, with the company of Matt, everyone started waking up. Nick had been the first – intrigued by the smell that was coming from the adjacent room to him, then Alex and Chris had awakened around the same time. Lily had been thoroughly thanked for the breakfast she had made and her pancakes were as loved by the triplets as they were by Alex.

"Y'all don't know how lucky I am to live with her for real", Alex claimed while eating her third pancakes. "I have the best friend ever."

"It is really good, thank you so much for those bro." Chris was clearly enjoying the food as he stole a pancake from the plate right as Nick was about to take it.

"Waking up to this everyday is the dream life," Nick wondered. "I don't wanna take advantage of your kindness Lily but I'd love for you to cook for us more before we leave."

"It's no problem," Lily assured. "I really like cooking, especially for friends and family so making people happy is what makes me happy."

They all smiled at that and couldn't believe it. The world didn't deserve Lily, but this girl sure deserved everything good that could happen to her.

"I wish I could promise you one of her best recipes but y'all might have to beg her for it." Alex teased the triplets as she knew she could eat Lily's food whenever she wanted. "Her cakes are sooo good!"

"Flattery doesn't get you anywhere babe, you know that."

"Wait, but like–" Matt started. "If Lily cooks most of the stuff, what do you and your other friends do, Alex?"

"Good question Matthew. I actually do most of the drinks with Jade while Lucas takes care of the bookstore part. It's not unusual that we shift roles but this is what we all mainly do there."

"Sounds like a good atmosphere between y'all four," Chris said. "Kinda want to check out your place now."

"We can actually", Lily offered. "Closed it for the day because I was thinking of bringing you there if you'd wanted."

"Really?" Nick asked. "Like, just for us?"

"Yeah, of course!" Lily widely smiled. "We can bake something, you can see the books we have and just chill there so we're not locked in the house for the day."

"That'd be very nice, thank you Lily." Matt exchanged a glance with the girl as he appreciated that she was going to share this big part of her life with them.

As they all agreed to the idea, everyone went to get dressed – as they were all still in their pyjamas to have breakfast – before Lily drove them to her and Alex's workplace.


"It looks so cute from outside already!" Nick exclaimed as they arrived in front of the café.

"Thanks," Alex replied. "My parents were the ones who did most of it back then but Lucas and I sometimes remodel based on the seasons and stuff."

Lily unlocked the door before motioning for everyone to enter and made sure that the 'CLOSED' sign was visible, so that people wouldn't wonder why the lights were on without any customers. As a café that was open six days a week, Lily had thought – with her coworkers' agreement – that changing their day off once wouldn't be a problem.

While Alex was giving the triplets a tour of the place, Lily was setting everything up. The three guests were all amazed at the café and the fact that they would eventually eat something similar to the pictures hung on the walls. Everything seemed delicious to them and they couldn't keep their stomachs from being impatient – they'd had breakfast an hour ago but as still growing young adults, of course they would be hungry at the sight of so many choices of pastries on the menu.

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