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Y/n Pov

After walking past the tree line, we came across a decent size opening; enough for both parties - where my brothers awaited for us.

Namjoon was standing in front of both Seokjin and Taehyung. Jin was leaning against a tree while Tae was sitting on one of the branches. Even though he looked aloof, I could tell that he was directly watching the vampires movements.

Taehyung was holding some clothes for me to change into, I would rather remain a wolf but for this temporary partnership to work, I need to show a sigh of trust and the best way to do so - is to be in my more volernable form. After making sure that I had completely shifted and changed behind a tree, Namjoon greeted the three vampires.

"Welcome Min Yoongi, thank you for agreeing to this meeting"

The all famous Yoongi, the eldest son of the current vampire lord. He is known for being a powerful strategist in both martial arts and political affairs. He doesn't care much about the war and rarely participates in the battles.

There wasn't much information that could be gathered about him besides the ones from rumors but I have a feeling that he made it that way.

After all, the less the people know about you - the better.

"Kim Namjoon, It's an honor to not only meet you but also your siblings. I've heard much about both all the three kim brothers. Though I don't think I've ever heard anything about this she-wolf here."

"And you never will"

I respond coming out from behind the tree. I was wearing just a plain t-shirt with shorts. Looking at all three of the vampires across from us, noticing one of them looking at me with wide eyes.

"You're a feisty little thing aren't you?" The one with the doe eyes spoke from behind Yoongi

"Would you like a first hand demonstration?"

I smirked showing my wolf teeth and glowing yellow eyes, which he then returned with his own snarl.

"Thats enough Jungkook" Yoongi spoke

I smirked as Jungkook looked away from me but not before sending one more glare my way. I huffed out a laugh "that's right young one, listen to your master"

I could tell that got under his skin as I saw his jaw clench and his hand tighten into a fist.

"Y/n" Namjoon called out my name in a stern tone, which I merely shrugged off.

"What? its obvious he can't stand being near us and a little taunting never hurts. Besides look at it like this joonie....if he's reacting to something as small as this then how is he going to handle being around us during our continued partnership if and I mean a big IF we come to an agreement"

I stated with crossed arms over my chest while looking at all three vampires. The only one who hasn't spoken yet was the purple haired one, who was just simply staring at me straight on.

It was honestly getting on my nerves.

As if sensing my thoughts, he suddenly snapped out of it and started looking anywhere else but me.

"I see your point but then again you are the one who provoked him first are you not?" Yoongi spoke


"and it would go without saying that as long as both sides don't provoke each other then there wouldn't be any problems in the first place." Jungkook suddenly said while looking all smug like he just said the smartest thing in his whole entire life

I was a bout to reply back with a snide comment but Taehyung interrupted me "Stop Y/n, I don't like working with them either but this is the only real chance we have right now to make peace. Aren't you tired of seeing countless members of our pack dying each day?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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