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Y/n Pov

"I'm ready to start"

I stated when I opened the entrance into the tent where the doctors and nurses, along with Taehyung were waiting patiently outside.

"Are you sure Y/n? Once you do this...you might not be able to undo it"

"I know that I/m grasping at straws right now Tae but what other choice I have? Would you want me to lose my mate?"

Taehyung automatically shakes his head "No, Y/n. I would never want that for you but I just want to know if your fully aware of the risks"

I smiled at him, knowing that he was just worried for my well being "Don't worry Tae, I know what I'm doing"

With that everyone except Taehyung waited outside of the tent, as he wasn't affect by powers and I didn't want to accidentally freeze anyone else.

I felt Taehyung lightly touch my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze telling me that everything was going to be okay. I have him a small smile in return showing that I appriatate him being here for me at this moment.

I walked by Jay's bed and gently stroke his air seeing this vines become even more present showing the venom in his body and his skin become white as a sheet of paper.

"I know that it would be better to let you go so you wouldn't suffer and that this might not work but I have to try something, anything"

I lean my head against his, closing my eyes as tears began to fall "I just can't lose you, my other half"

My mouth began to feel dry, it was starting to become harder to speak "You always called me your moon and that you called yourself the sun because we were so different from each other but how can moon shine without the sun?"

I was now stroking his face, the seconds slowly going by only making this even more agonizing "The sun shares its light with the moon, it helps allow its glow to shine"

My voice cracked as I continued speaking, my wolf whimpering in my head

"My love, my life, my sun. I'm sorry for being selfish but please .....just please allow me to do this without feeling an ounce of regret of not being able to save you like how you save me"

I leaned my forehead against his chest crying out in silence but I know Taehuyng could hear my sniffles. "I love you, I love you"

I whisper out before sitting up staring at him before I close my eyes and lean down to gently kiss his forehead. Frost quickly began covering his whole entire body as my tears continue to fall, I command the water in his veins to freeze along with his heart, just enough to put him in complete hibernation.

"Please rest my mate, I'll find a way to save you without the doubt. No matter what, this is only temporary"

I sat up and moved back, my hand gently tapping the desk and soon his body was soon incased in an ice coffin. I laid my hands on top of it, being able to see his face through the ice. Unknowing of he could hear me or not, but I didn't bother trying to see if I could still mind-link him not wanting to know whether he was there or not.

I just hoped that this worked and that the venom in his body was stopped. I know this was cruel of me to condemn him to incase him in an ice coffin like this one but seeing my mate about to slip away is entirely soul breaking that I don't think I could survive.


My twin brother called out to me to break the silence that surrounds us as I continue staring at my lover in ice.

{P.JM}My Mate of a Vampire [on Hold]Where stories live. Discover now