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3rd person Pov

"Where do you think your going?"

A figure halts from his steps as he was about to head out of the large castle in the woods

"Just going out for a bit, nothing major to worry about Yoongi"

The older man sighs "Just be back soon and try to avoid the werewolf territories ok?"

"I know....." the man rolls his eyes and continues toward the exit

"Jimin, I'm serious....Don't forget that we're at war with them right now so being outside is dangerous "

"I know I know" the said man walks away while waving his hand as he soon disappears

The male figure reappears in the forest near the boarder between the two territories

Jimin sighs while walking towards the lake thy was divided between the two races as it was located on the both of their land, so it became one of the boarder lines of their territory

"I get that he's older than me by a few centuries but I'm also an adult"

He mumbled to himself as he continued to walk, pouting slightly at his older brothers behavior of treating him like a child

Jimin and Young had different mothers, but they had a strong bond with each other. Yoongi had a soft spot for Jimin as he found the younger oddly cute and refreshing since they were children

He huffed while shaking his head about thinking about the older and how he would always find some way to baby him when he got the chance

When he was about to reach the lakeshores, he heard something in trees beside him, causing his movements to halt

Jimin strained his senses ignorer to either catch someone's scent or hear the faintest sound of movement around him

His eyes widen as he caught the scent of a young vampire but also the scent of werewolf chasing him.

He strained his ears even more to pick up their location, once he heard it. He disappeared and appeared not to far from where a young male in at least 15 years old being surrounded by a group of 3 wolfs

His eyes glowed red, angry at the thought of them attacking such a young vampire who wasn't fully mature yet so he was practically defenseless.

A vampire doesn't develop until they reach at least 200 years old, where they're powers are at full peak and allow the vampire to do whatever they wish without restraint



Their power may vary, but it's always something that goes well with the person's traits/ personality.

Besides those who are transformed from being human.Every vampire had the power of teleportation, strength, speed and super hearing. But they also have either own unique quality that makes each one separate from each other

It's possible for those to have the same as others as they are different types of classes of power. And yes there is a hierarchy within their society but that also applies to the werewolf.

Though the ranking of vampires doesn't apply to what class of power you possess.

There are the commons, the powerful and the rare.


Which are the ones who don't have any type besides the natural super strength, speed, hearing and teleportation

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