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Y/n Pov

"Freeze his body?"

"Exactly, what if I can freeze his body entirely including his blood flow"

The nurses and doctors nodded their head, thinking about my suggestion before looking at me directly

"It could work but thats only a theory, there are possible risks that you could still end up killing your mate that way"

I looked at Jay as he laid there beginning to look even more lifeless than he did the moment I came into the room. I walked towards him and my fingers gently brushed through his hair.

"I'm willing to do anything at this point, if it meant that he has the chance to live"

There was silence in the room before I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Taehyung as he gave a soft squeeze.

"We'll go with whatever you decide is best Y/n"

I simply nodded my head "I want a minute with him alone before We do anything else"

With that, everyone left the tent, leaving me and my mate alone. The second I heard them step out of the tent, I fell to my knees by his bedside.

I grabbed his hand and pressed the inner side of his hand against my cheek, as a tear started to slip through.

'My love, can you hear me?'


'Jay, please answer me, please'

I was speaking to him through the mind-link that we share, at first I heard nothing, felt nothing from his end but then a small warm tug appeared making a small smile appear on my lips.

'Y/n, I hear you my sweet'

'Jay.....did you hear everything?'

'Yes, I may not be able to move my body but my senses are as strong as ever, want to see?'


I called his name sternly, not liking his attempts on making any type of jokes while his life was literally on the line.

'Y/n, it's okay'

'It's not okay! I refuse to lose you!'


'Do you not feel the same? What if it were me instead of you laying here?'

A growl resonated through the mind link, Jay's inner wolf and himself displeased with the possibility.

'See? You would be the same if the situations were reversed'

'....Y/n, what if this was decided by the moon goddess?'

'No! The moon goddess was the one who destined us to be together, why would she break us apart!"

'Everything and everyone have their own fate Y/n'

'Well I refuse it if it meant you dying before me'


'No Jay, I will go through with it wether you like or not, Whether fate displeases it! I refuse to lose my Mate regardless'

'WAit Y/n!'

'I'll see you again soon my Love, and if possible we could still speak to each other through our minds if it works but for now, goodbye Jay ....I love you'

I quickly cut off the link and blocked it off as I felt him trying to reach out for me.

I meant what I said, I refuse to lose him whether it be from fate or the moon goddess herself.

No lie, I felt this would be a perfect cliff hanger.....so now it is!


Don't forget to comment and vote!
And if you got any questions just comment on my wall!

Also JK's bday is coming up in just a day or two! So excited ❤️💜

P.s I just started college last Monday, yay me

Til next chapter~



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