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Also sorry if you find any grammar mistakes and if this chapter is boring. I've stayed up all night and I'm really tired, can barely focus my eyes right now but I wanted to update the story for you...so here it is. Also there's a little thank you note at the end of the chapter

Y/N Pov

We had finally returned home from the battle, mainly of our wolves were injured. So, it took some time for us to travel and carry our dead back home.

It's true that wolves can heal themselves quicker than regular humans, but that doesn't mean we cab't sustain serious injuries.


Quick Note:

- Werewolves and vampires can heal themselves quicker and better than humans

-Werewolves also don't age after they turn 21.

-It's the same for pureblood vampires, once their human body reaches the 21 year mark.

-Vampires can also be in sunlight, Just prefer not too.


-Truth: Silver pullets work.

-holy water affects the lesser vampires

-Werewolves may not age but doesn't mean that they are immortal

-To properly kill a vampire: need to decapitate their head after stabbing them in the heart.

-No real need to burn their bodies unless needed to get rid of evidence



My brothers helped me carry Jay back.

Jay's parents recently died in the war in an earlier fight against the vampires. He only had his older brother and younger sister left.

Once they saw him, They immediate began to break down and I knew that they wanted revenge but I convinced them not too after explaining everything to them.

That he was still alive as long as he remained incased in the ice coffin, I had created. Also that I had told them that I knew Jay wouldn't want them to fight in this war. Thats why he had gone in the first place.

Not only for me but also so they wouldn't have too.

I had left him with his body, as I couldn't keep myself together anymore

My wolf and I were still devastated about what was happening to our mate and wanted nothing but to hide away  and let out all my sadness and all my anger. So that's exactly what I did the moment I reached my room.

I had blocked out everyone and everything

I laid on my bed curled up as my wolf. Not wanting to speak to anyone and wanting to ignore everything at the same time. Taehyung and my two older brothers would come and check on me.

When? I don't know as I would go in and out of it often. Taehyung would stay with me often, also in his wolf form.

I could feel both of their concern for me, both him and his wolf.

{P.JM}My Mate of a Vampire [on Hold]Where stories live. Discover now