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Y/N Pov

"Your back"

my father says as me and my brothers transform from our wolf. He was standing in the entrance of our home in our pack lands.

He was second in command of our race since the war took place.

I had 3 brothers all over protective of me since I'm the youngest

We were known as the Kim siblings. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung and Kim Y/n

Taehyung is my twin brother, so as you can imagine we got into a lot of mischief when we were younger

We are all Alpha children, so people had some pretty high expectations of us....well more like my brothers.


Quick Note -Rankings:

Alpha: Leaders

-Bigger in size, stronger, faster along with speedy healing abilities

-There can be more than one Alpha in a pack

-Fur color: Black

Lunas:Leaders/caretaker of the Pack

- The same ranking as the Alpha [as they are mates]

-Usually taking care of the Pack or accompanying the Alpha

Betas: 2nd in command

-Take over if the Alpha is incapacitated or absent

-Can be more than 1 [2 at most]

-The most trusted advisor of the Alpha


-Change into their wolf when they first the age of 10

- considered an adult at the age of 16

- Can find their mate at the age of 18

a)Vampires also have their own mate, which they can find at the age of 250, as the age of 200 is considered an adult of their kind as they develop their full powers

-Fur color will vary unless you are an Alpha or an Alpha child which would resemble an Alpha's fur in color

->Now back to the story <-


I rarely go out to battle, mostly because I was the only daughter in the family. My mother died giving birth to me due to her weak body.

My father loves me just as much as my brothers. I do have some training in combat and self-defense but I can't hold a candle to my brothers. Well maybe Taehyung but I can't ever really tell with him, as he likes to fool around a lot

"Yes, we're back father"

He nods as he looks at all four of us, as my brothers finished transforming back into their skin form. One of the guards by my father's side was already holding a pile of clothes which who had already disrupted them each in the order they were piled

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