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Y/n Pov

It was now morning, I was standing besides my father and Taehyung was on the other side of him.

Both of my brothers were in the back ready to help the injured and Jay was just a two steps behind me.

He spent the whole night making love to me, despite my protest to rest since we had to fight.
I wasn't completely against the idea since I had the nagging feeling that something awful was going to happen.

He kept reassuring me that everything was going to be alright and that he had a feeling that his battle will end the war.

I had doubts but looking at how confident he was being, I couldn't help but agree with him.

'I love you Y/n for eternity'

I felt my heart flutter at the sound of my mates voice through the mindlink.

'And I love you for all of eternity Jay'

I can practically see his wolf wag his tail,happy to hear his mate declaration of love towards me and I had to hold back a chuckle since it was the right time to laugh.

The air became tense as the leader of the Vampires came forward, Min Leiyoung or formally known as Lord Leiyoung. He was an average height with striking features like many of the other Vampires present.

Besides him were two other Vampires and I noticed it was the same one I interacted with a few days ago.

He looked a little younger compared to the other 2 besides him.

Leiyoung grinned as he spotted me while the one I recognized was giving me a confused look.

"I see your daughter has finally decided to play with us"

My father growled "Don't even think about it!"

Leiyoung chuckled "think of what exactly? But you know, she looks so much like Misa when she was still alive"

I could feel my father becoming anger as the name of his dead mate came from our enemies lips.

'Ignore him, he's only trying to rile you up dad'

I spoke to him through the mind-link and he took a deep breath and let it out after hearing my words.

"Tell me little pup, what is your name?"

Leiyoung asked as his focus was now on me. I step forward with my head held high as I looked directly at him, showing that I felt no fear towards him

"Kim Y/n is my name"

"Y/n....such a lovely name" He looked me and let out a smirk "I'll make sure to remember that when I kill you first in front of your family"

"I'll like to see you try!"

Jay jumped out of formation and quickly transformed, heading to attack one of the Vampires.


"Dammit, everyone ATTACK!"

My father called out seeing that Jay let his instincts to protect me take over, which caused him to make a rash decision of charging into battle alone head first.

Everyone but me and Taehyung transformed into their wolf form, as it would easier for us to maneuver our bodies when using our powers.

We did have Silver daggers to use in close combat, the handle was wrapped in leather, so we couldn't get injured by it.

{P.JM}My Mate of a Vampire [on Hold]Where stories live. Discover now