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Y/N Pov

I was laying in Jay's arms as he was stroking my head in my bed room.

He is a year younger than me, I found out he was my mate on my 18th birthday which was about 2 years ago. Which makes me about 20 years old right now and him 19.

I had to wait until his 18th birthday for him to fully realize that we were mates. I first saw him when his family was coming to speak with my father about the trade of supplies.

The next time we saw eachother was when we were invited for his birthday party as he was an alpha's son.

To say that the feeling of being away from him during that time period was easy would be a understatement

I had to distract myself constantly until his birthday came along which was lucky just 2 months after mine.

We were already mated to each other, and our time together has been to best time of my life, just as my father described how it was with my mother

My powers don't affect him as he is my mate and both me and my wolf will never hurt him, because he is our entire whole world.

"What are you thinking about?"

I looked up at him as I noticed that he's been quiet for the last 30 mins since we decided to go to bed

He sighed and then looked at me "Y/n, I spoke to your father earlier today and"

"And what?" I moved and sat up, sitting on my bed crossing my legs together in front of him

He sat up as well, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Y/n, he gave me the option of going to the battle front with him tomorrow"


I stood up on my knees looking at him like he was crazy. He sighed and grabbed both of my hands gently and looked up at me

"Y/n, I agreed"

I snatched my hands away from him and got up from the bed. Walking back and forth in front of him while biting on my thump nail

"H-how could you agree? Jay you know how I feel about all this"

He got up from his side of the bed and hugged me from behind stopping me from pacing

"My sweet, calm down"

I sighed, attempting to let my body relax to his touch which wasn't hard

"Tell me why please"

He turned my body to face him, I look at him as he was taller than me

"Its cause I want to protect you and also to help defend the pack"

"But I can-"

"No Y/n, Both me and your father strongly agree that shouldn't be anywhere near the battle field"

I scoff and look away from him, he turned my chin back to him

"Please understand Y/n, I want to do this for us please"

I look into his eyes and saw that he truly wished to do this, to prove himself to me and my father, to the pack that he was worthy to be my mate

I knew he was always insecure about himself and thought he didn't deserve me, as he has told me before we officially marked each other

"Y/n, I don't want to go knowing that that I don't have your support"

His voice sounded desperate as he stroke my arms up and down

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