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Jimin Pov

After Everything that happened, My father was still in the mood to throw shit around like a child having a tantrum.

Both sides took a fatal blow and yet he only thinks that we had the most causalities.

This War has been going on for centuries, all the back to my great grandfather.

Both he and my grandfather retired from the position and went into eternal rest to join their mates.

They were attached the war as they were to their mates. They had died natural, I heard that they were mostly tired of the war itself but as for the reason why their life ended.

I wouldn't know

Supernaturals have pretty long life spans so I imagine their most have been a reason why they dead.

But that was the least of my problems.

I wasn't the only one tired of this god forsaken war, many of the young's ones want nothing to do it and just want to explore the world.

And judging from that night I met Y/n, Vampires aren't the only ones who want this to end.


Kim Y/n was her name, I remember how she looked on the battle field. The fire she held in her eyes, the confidence she held in her stance.

She was breathtaking, for a pup.

But now wasn't the time to admire a wolf, especially the enemy.

While my father was throwing his fit in his office, I was in Yoongi's room deciding to follow him after seeing how off he was.

That's what normally happens whenever we go into battle. Both he and I hated this war but couldn't go against my father since he was better than us in both intellagence and power.

War is always costly

It's never pleasant, it only brings death

If only the leaders of both sides could come to an agreement to end this bloodshed that's been going on for years now.

I understand why we went to war but with every battle, more lives are lost.

I sighed rustling my hair as I leaned against the couch while Yoongi was resting on his bed with his eyes closed.

I'm sure he would rather be alone but I for one didn't.

I want to ruin the Alpha Leader as much as my father after what he did but I rather protect my people at this point with how much our population has declined.

The Alpha leader had killed my mother, my father's second wife claiming that it was revenge for killing his own mate.

But the thing is.....

My father never did.

No matter how much we denied his claims, in the end it didn't matter.

Both Yoongi and I understood that this endless killing won't bring her back but only cause more sadness.

Even though Yoongi wasn't her biological son, she still treated him like one and he cared for her like his own mother as well.

Yoongi didn't particularly care for his biological mom but their relationship was still decent, it's just he got along better with mine.

There has been constant talk of rebellion among our people. Some have had the guts to come right out and asked us if we could join them.

Particularly Yoongi

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