Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV-

(He is currently 13 at this time)

I opened my eyes but quickly closed them as they stung from the bright light. It took a moment but I was finally able to open them. I slowly sat up and took a look around my surroundings to see where I am. It seems I was in a gloomy dark room. There was only a desk and chair in a corner. There was also someone sitting on a chair with his head down. He must be sleeping. I took one more look around. For some reason I'm enjoying this gloomy atmosphere more than the one back over there

I stared at the person and watched as he slept. I know this sounds creepy but, I must be wary of my surroundings. The man suddenly began to stir in the chair. He sleepily rubbed his eyes before looking at me. "Ah, you're awake." He said, as he stood up and made his way over to me. I stared at him as he continued walking over to me. 

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." The man said, trying to assure me. I stared at him for a little bit before looking at the floor uninterested. "The name's Dabi. I was told to take you downstairs when you wake up." He said as he held out his hand for me. I stared at his hand before taking it and getting out of bed. 

He then led me downstairs to where there were multiple people in the living room. "He's awake" Dabi told them as we stopped in front of them. Everyone in the roo, turned to face me. Do they need something. 

AFO: "Ah! Good evening, young man. Before we start, what is your name?" 

I looked at the man who had something black wrapped around his head. He had this aura that was calming and peaceful towards me. I gripped onto the edges of my robe and did a courtesy. 

"My name is Izuku." I told him. I have a feeling this man will be able to help me with my goals. 

"Don't you have a last name?" Someone asked me. I glanced at that person from the corner of my eyes. His hair was a pale blue color, had red eyes, and his lips were chappy. "I do. But I despise it." I replied. 

AFO: "Now now. Enough with the questions for now. I'm AFO. The one you were just talking to is Tomura Shigaraki." He said, pointing the said boy. He then pointed to a girl who looked like a crazy blonde vampire. "That's Himiko Toga and I'm sure you met Dabi." 

I nodded my head. He then continued. "The mist guy is Kugori and right beside him with that ridiculous mask is Mr. Compress. And lastly Twice."

I made a mental note to remember those names. But something is really irking me. Why aren't they beating me? I'm sure they've done a background check on me. 

"Can I ask you guys a question?" I asked them, cautiously. They all looked at me confused.

Shigaraki: "Sure, I guess." I sighed. "Why aren't you all beating me? I'm sure you have done a background check on me." I asked. I looked at them and saw they all had horrified looks on their faces. 

Dabi: "Why would we? You did nothing wrong?" He asked me as he sat down. I looked down. Can I really trust them? Will they end up hurting me for real?

AFO: "Why don't you sit down so we could talk?" He suggested, pointing to the only spot next to him. I still couldn't fully trust them so I sat in Seiza position (Sitting on your knee Japanese style).

AFO chuckled. "Quite interesting. Ok. For starters why were you in this part of thee city?" He asked as he crossed his legs. I looked down. Why was I here anyway?  "I ran away. I couldn't take it anymore. All the pain and suffering I had to endure my whole life.... I couldn't take it anymore." I explained. 

Third POV-

Shigaraki: The hell? What is this kid talking about? Shigaraki thought to himself.  He scanned the boy and noticed something strange. It looked to be a huge purple mark. Shigaraki decided to wait until later to ask what it was.

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