Chapter 7

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Third POV-

Three days have passed since the attack on the USJ, Aizawa and All Might have been healed to some extent. Snipe has also been healed and they are now in the conference room at UA. After everyone was present, Nezu pressed the button on the side of the table to turn off the light and open a screen. "Now that everyone is here, let's begin." He said, looking towards Detective Tsukauchi. Detective Tsukauchi nodded and pressed a button on the remote in his hand. The screen changed and showed a picture of a creature. "I'm sure by now you've all recognized this creature? The one that folded some of your asses. This creature is called 'Nomu'." He bluntly said with a nonchalant expression. The staff and heroes all sweatdropped at how nonchalantly the detective humiliated them. 'Who pissed in his cheerios?' They thought. 

The detective looked at them and sighed. "Nomu? What's that even supposed to be?" Nezu asked. He may have an IQ of 250 but he's still not sure what the Nomu is or what it's supposed to be. "I also want to know. Because for some reason that 'Nomu' had more than one quirk and it was super fast." Aizawa inquired. All Might who had a battle experience nodded. "Same. For some reason he was able to counter my attack and he was able to regenerate pretty fast." He said. The other heroes somewhat nodded as they had to help out at some point. Detective Tsukauchi looked at the clock behind All Might's head and sighed. All he wanted to do today was get some sleep since it was his day off, but NO! SOME PEOPLE always end up attracting unwanted people and end up getting hurt.

He sighed. "The Nomu is a creature created by a scientist hired by the villains or more like All For One. It's been made to kill All Might. The 'Nomu'  is made from dead corpses with powerful quirks.  But this one was created with the quirks 'shock absorption' and 'super regeneration'." Tsukauchi said, rubbing his forehead. All Might stood up abruptly. "How?! I thought All For One is dead?!" He shouted. The others looked at him and then looked at the detective. "But I feel like he is alive, but there is someone who is also helping him. As that hand villain looks like a man-child." Nezu said, placing his paw on his chin. All Might looked at him confused. But suddenly Snipe shot up from his seat. "There is! It's that one kid who dresses as a girl. He's super strong!" He shouted. Everyone looked at him, shocked. 

"That's true I guess. But Snipe... did you really have to shoot that child?" Midnight asked, still upset over the fact. Snipe clenched his fist. "It was by accident. She got in the way when I was trying to get that hand villain!" He said, trying to justify his actions.  "Ok. Whatever shut up! Anyways. Snipe, can you give a description of that villain who marked your chest like a treasure map?" Detective Tsukauchi asked. A few heroes had to stifle their laughs. "H-he looked to be about 15 or 16 years of age, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and he wore a crown over his head?" Snipe said, scratching his head trying to recall. Tsukauchi nodded then suddenly pull out a picture and showed Snipe. "Does he look like this?" He asked. 

The picture^^

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The picture^^

Snipe took a closer look and then looked back up. "Yeah, that's him." He said. "Wow! For a villain he looks really beautiful." Midnight claimed. The heroes looked at her with a blank expression. She noticed them staring at her blankly and sweatdropped. "What?.." 

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