Chapter 4

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Izuku's POV-

I stood behind this revolting man, who calls himself innocent. My eyes shined violet as I glanced at the child to try and communicate with her. {Child, when I tell you go, I want you to run from here. As things will get ugly right now. Run to the man with the hand on his face. Understood?} I instructed her. She began to look around at first, then her eyes landed on me and she nodded. I took a step forward. {Now!} I said as I lifted my hand up and held him in place. 

"What the- what's the meaning of this?!" Overhaul exclaimed as he looked around. This gave the little girl a chance to run to Shigaraki. I glanced behind me and saw that she was shaking behind Shiggy-nii's leg. I stepped aside so that Overhaul could see who it was. "It seems as though you feel the need to ruin the reputation of the villains. Do you?" I asked him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. He looked at me in shock. "Y-your m-majesty!" He called as he tried to bow but realized he couldn't. "W-what?" He was confused. I smirked and tilted my head. "What? Can't move?" I teased. His head must have snapped as he looked up at me in shock.

I walked over to a chair and sat down. "Knowing you I gave you a second chance. I allowed you to stay alive, with the condition that you stop this nonsense of your experiments. But what was that I just witnessed a minute ago?" I inquired. He looked down. "I-I was trying to make quirk canceling cuffs for you!" He said, looking weary. I glared at him coldly. "I don't recall asking you nor anyone to make anything. Did I?" I asked him. He slowly shook his head. "Words. I know you know how to speak." He looked up at me, his eyes filled with fear. "N-no, your majesty." He said. I sighed and stood up, still not releasing my telekinesis on him.

"Have him and his goons executed, then burn the bodies." I told Shigaraki as I slowly walked towards the little girl. "Yes, your majesty." I crouched down to the girl's level. "Hello, young one. I'm Izuku. What's your name." I asked after introducing myself. She looked at me a little and hesitated before answering. "E-Eri." She squeaked out. I smiled and lifted my hand to stroke her hair, but she flinched. I looked at her with sympathy. I slowly held her hand. I felt bad for her. She's even trembling. I gritted my teeth in anger. "Fret not Eri, dear. For I have no desire to hurt you in any way, shape, or form." I reassured her. She looked at me hesitantly. "R-really?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "You have my word."

I brought her close to me and covered her ears before turning to Shiggy. "I will take my leave now. I trust you'll deal with this mess. No one shall remain." I instructed him. He nodded and began to take off his glove. I looked down at Eri and smiled softly at her. "Come now. Let's go home." I told her. She looked at me confused, but in her eyes, it showed excitement. I smiled. "Kugori!" I called out. A second later, his warp gate opened and I held Eri's hand as we stepped into the bar.





We made it into the living room. I took a look around and saw that it was only Kugori and Dabi. I then sat down and brought Eri to sit next to me. I felt her scoot close to me and hold my arm tight. I giggled and patted her head. "Fret not. Kugori, Dabi. Come here." I called them. They slowly walked over to the living room and sat down. I lifted my hands and pointed to Eri. "This is Eri. She's was the one who was being experimented on by Overhaul. I've decided to take her in and raise her." I explained after looking at their confused faces.

They spent the time getting to know her and surprisingly, she was able to warm up to them. "Where's Toga, Compress, and Twice?" I asked, Kugori. He looked up at me. "They've been sent on another mission. They will be back next month." He told me. I nodded and looked at the TV. "And father?" I asked. He sighed. "He's been resting all day. It seems he's trying to conserve his strength." He explained. I sighed. That old man. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Eri yawning and I looked at her. "Are you tired?" I asked her. She nodded and rubbed her eyes. I giggled. "Alright, let us retire for the night.." I said, standing up and holding out my hand for her. "Kugori, please buy some attires for Eri." I instructed him. He bowed and left through his portal.

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