Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV-

It's the next day. I woke up and got ready for the day. I put on a blue satin ruffled diamond designed dress. And to go with it I wore a pair of blue flower diamond satin heels. I styled my hair and I was all done. 


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His outfit (His hair is styled as is in the photo)^^^

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His outfit (His hair is styled as is in the photo)^^^

I began to think of a way to get Kaminari to being our the UA Traitor. 'Maybe I should have Giri  teleport me to where I can predict Kaminari to be.' I thought as I walked downstairs. I made my way over to Giri who was cleaning cups again. "Good morning, Giri." I said, greeting him as I sat down. He looked up at me and nodded. "Good morning, Izu." He said, returning the greeting. He then handed me my usual cup of tea and I took it, thanking him in the process. I took a sip of the tea and turned in Giri's direction. "Kugori, how many of the members are available?" I asked him. He stopped wiping the glass in his hand and thought for a moment before turning to me. "The only ones available are Toga, Dabi, and Compress." He told me. I nodded. 'Perfect. Just the amount I need.' I thought. "Summon them for me. I told him. He bowed and left to go retrieve the three. 

I sat the cup of tea down and began to think of plans. Ones that will be perfect and wouldn't result in any of them getting hurt. "....uku. Izuku!" I flinched a little and glanced at who was calling me. "Lost in thought, are we?" Compress said as he gently flicked my forehead. I playfully glared at him and swatted away his hand as I looked at the others. "What did you need us for, Izu?" Toga asked as she sat on the counter top. "Yea. Is it a new mission?" Dabi asked as well. I shook my head. "Not really. More like a diversion. Do you remember me telling you about getting a traitor from UA?" I asked them. They all nodded. "Yes. Why?" Compress asked, leaning next to Toga who played with his hair. "The Sports Festival is being held in three days. The three of you and I will be going there in disguise. when the time is right, I'll let you know when to create a diversion." I explained. Dabi gently placed his hand on my head. "What will be your task?" He asked, concern laced in his voice. "Thanks to one of my servants, I was able to memorize his schedule and habit. I will meet him in his hiding spot and try and convince him." I said. 

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