Chapter 5

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(Real quick! I just made a schedule today! I didn't fill out Monday-Wednesday! Thursday will be left empty

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(Real quick! I just made a schedule today! I didn't fill out Monday-Wednesday! Thursday will be left empty. If you guys need me you can reach out to me but around 3:30 something as I get out of school. as I just made it today. But every week the schedule will change and may or not be full. If there's any issues, please let me know!)

Izuku's POV-

I held Eri's hand as we made our way through the warp gate after the thugs went through it. "VILLAINS!" One of those brats shouted. I stood next to Shiggy and Giri and smirked. "My oh my~" I said, tilting my head and placing a finger on my lips. 

"Where's All Might?!" Shiggy shouted. I glanced at him and saw that he was scratching his neck. He must be anxious. "Calm down, Shiggy. Knowing him he probably used up his time. He'll come soon." I told him as I gently held his hand. He sighed and nodded. "Now let's begin." I said. Shiggy looked at Giri. 

"Separate them. Make sure the blue haired boy escapes. He will have All Might here soon." He said. I held onto Eri as I watched as those brats got separated into the different zones. There were already some thugs there. I just need to keep them busy. It'll soon be time for my appearance. 

As I was watching Eraserhead fighting off the thugs, I felt a light tug. I looked down and saw Eri looking up at me. "Zuzu?" She called. I smiled. "Yes?" I replied, stroking her hair. She then pointed at Eraserhead. "Why is bad man hurting those people?" She asked. I chuckled. Eri really is cute and innocent for her own good. "That's because he doesn't care about us. That's why we're doing this." I told her. I mean it isn't a lie. She nodded and looked back at the fight. 

A few minutes later, Eraserhead finished defeating the thugs but he seemed to be out of breath. At the same time, the brats came back from the zones with bruises and cuts. I grinned. They really are stubborn and fucking annoying. Abso-bloody-hell! 

"What are you villains doing with that child?!" Eraserhead yelled as he charged towards us. "Shiggy." I called. He immediately grabbed Eraserhead's elbow and began to disintegrate it. "AGHH!" He cried. He then jumped back and held his now open elbow.  

Third POV-

The attack continued on. Finally, Izuku decided it was time. "Giri, it's time." Izuku said. Kugori nodded and opened a warp gate. Out came the nomu. The nomu stood besides them as they looked at the heroes. "What is that?!" The hero students shouted. Izuku handed Eri to Shigaraki as he stepped forward and stood in front of the nomu. "Oh my~" He teased. 

The students looked at Izuku confused as they didn't know who he was. But 5 of them did. "Deku?!" They shouted. Those 5 were non other than Izuku's past tormentors; Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoka, and Shoto. The class and Eraserhead looked at the 5 in shock and confusion. Izuku looked at them coldly. "Hm~ Nomu attack Eraserhead." He said, changing his gaze to the injured hero. Eraserhead looked shocked and terrified as the nomu was a huge and terrifying monster. 

Upon order the nomu ran and attacked Eraserhead also known as Shota Aizawa. Because of his injury, he couldn't fight the creature back. This resulted in both of his arms breaking. The nomu took it upon itself to also sit on Aizawa. Izuku chuckled. "How amusing~ The fearless Eraserhead is at the mercy of the villains." He said as he crouched down and roughly held Aizawa's cheeks. 

Izuku raised his hands to permanently damage Aizawa's left eye when suddenly a gust of wind went by him which caused Izuku to jump back a few times. When the smoke cleared it revealed the nomu standing and behind the nomu was All Might holding Eraserhead and a few more heroes.  "Nomu come." Izuku called. The nomu made its way to Izuku and Izuku jumped in the air and sat on its shoulder. 

Izuku sat there and watched as the heroes made sure the students were ok with a smirk. Things were going according to plan. "YOU'VE DONE A VERY BAD DEED VILLAIN! SURRENDER NOW AND DON'T RESIST!" All Might shouted. Izuku's smirk dropped from his face. He really hated people who looked down on others. "Dad! That's Izuku!" Izuku heard Izumi yelled. 

All heads turned towards Izumi as she blurted that information. "W-what?!" All Might stammered. He couldn't process what he had just heard. Was this person really Izuku?! Shigaraki looked ready to kill All Might if it wasn't for Izuku shaking his head indicating for him to stop. Izuku cleared his throat. "My~ As much as I'm enjoying this unnecessary reunion, were not here for that." Izuku said, his facial expression turning serious. 

Bakugo's POV-

I don't know why, I just froze! I...Izuku?! How could he?! How could he become a villain, when he could have just stayed a civilian and I would be his number 1 hero. I looked down! I'm partially to blame anyway. I'm the one who told him to fucking kill himself. I felt a nudge against my elbow. I looked at who it was and it was Deku's shitty twin. "What is it?" I asked Izumi. "I've already told Shoto and Shoka this... but lets go and help dad." She whispered.

I thought for a little bit. That doesn't seem like a bad idea. "Fine." I whispered back. She nodded and dragged me towards the other shitty extras. She then whispered a plan. I wasn't sure it was going to work, but why not?  

We were about to walk up front when Izuku suddenly spoke. "I declare the next movement you make, will cause one of your classmates to die." He said, glaring at us. All of a sudden I stopped. I wasn't able to move. HOW?! I glanced at the other four and saw that they were the same as me. "AHHH!" I heard one of the extras scream. I looked at where the scream came from and saw a knife had been plunged into her heart by a thug who was behind us the whole time. 

I was horrified. How could they?! I may not show it but these extras are my classmates! "T-Tsu!" I weakly called her. But it was too late. Her body leaned forward and landed on the floor with a thump.






I'm sorry this chapter is short! I'm really tired and I'm going to bed. I will be continuing more of my stories tomorrow and Friday. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter. 

Word count: 1135

LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!('・ω・')❤️❤️💐🌹🌺🌷🪷🌸🏵️🪻🌻🌼🍀

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