Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV-

It was the next day and I woke up. Today is the day where I will select the low rank villains that will participate in the attack. I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom. After a quick shower, I did my morning routine and left the bathroom. I then walked over to my closet and chose my attire for today. It was a blue and white flowy dress and a pair of blue and white floral low heels. After I was done, I did my hair and I was finally done.

 After I was done, I did my hair and I was finally done

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I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, where I knew Giri would be

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I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, where I knew Giri would be. He looked up at me and smiled. "Ah, good morning, Izu." He greeted me. I gave a small courtesy and smiled back. "Good morning, Kugori." I greeted him back and sat down on  the couch. He walked over to me and handed me a cup of tea and some cookies. I smiled. I always love his cookies. 

I took a sip of tea and looked at Giri with my eyes glowing a bright dark blue. "Giri, I would like you to summon every single low rank villain here before me." I told him. He got on his knees and bowed. "Yes, your majesty." He said as he left. 

I looked at the tea in the cup and sighed as I remember getting this quirk when I was 14. 

Mini flashback- 

Third POV-

Izuku was crouched down on the ground in front of AFO. It has been a year since he's completed his training. It was now time for Izuku to receive the quirks he requested. "Remember Izuku... once you get these.... don't forget us." AFO instructed. Said boy nodded his head and smiled. How could he forget the people who truly showed him what a family is?

AFO placed his hand on Izuku's head and began to transfer the quirks Izuku requested. After it was transferred, Izuku passed out. From here on out his life would change.

End of flashback-

I turned around and faced the stairwell as I heard footsteps walking down the steps. "Good morning, Toga." I greeted her. He smiled at me. "Morning~!" She beamed and left. She must have a mission. I nodded and turned back around 

Some time later, Giri's warp gate opened and he stepped into the living room. "Your majesty, I've assembled them as ordered." He told me. I nodded as I set my teacup down and stood up. "Lead the way." I instructed him, clasping my hands in front of me. He led me through the warp gate and I was met with a bunch of people who were looking at me. Giri held out his hand for me and I gracefully took it as he led me to my throne that was placed in the center on the abandoned plaza. 

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