Chapter 10

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Izuku's POV-

I skipped out of the waiting room and made my way to where the noise came from. I could feel the huge grin creeping across my face as I looked at Toga Nee-San. "You really didn't hold back, nee-san." I said, leaning against the wall. She looked up at me and gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back. She's not dead. She just passed out." She explained. I smiled back in reassurance. "I'm not mad. It's my fault for making you wait for a long while. How many pints of blood did you manage to get?" I asked. She looked down and pulled out three pints of the girl, Ochaco blood. I nodded. "Keep them hidden. We'll discuss what we will do with it later. She nodded and stuffed them into her pocket. She then looked down at the girl. "What do I do with her?" She asked. I looked down at the girl and thought for a moment. "Place her in Class 1A's waiting room. But make sure Kaminari isn't in the room." I told her. She nodded her head and stood up, carrying the passed out girl. Once she left, I walked up to the window which gave a view of the festival. My eyes glowed a deep violet as I looked down to where Dabi and Compress are sitting. "Begin Phase two." I said through the mind link I have with them.

David's POV-

"Begin Phase Two." I heard Izuku say through the mind link. A grin made it's way on my lips as I looked at Compress besides me who nodded as well, that same sinister grin plastered on his face. We got up from our seats and jumped down to the stage where Midnight was at. I turned Compress before looking up at the window. I spotted Izuku standing there with his arms crossed and a sinister smirk on his face. He looked at us with a look that he's expecting something great from us.

Third POV-

After Dabi and Compress jumped down from the seats, the ceoud began to erupt in whispers as they tried to figure out who the two men were. Midnight who was near the two walked up to them. "I'm sorry, do you boys need something? You're not premi-" Compress was instantly behind her and knocked her out, causing Midnight to fall down, unconscious. The crowd began to scream as heroes began to make their way to the stage. The students in the crowd and the ones in front of the stage began to panick as they didn't know what to do. Chaos soon began to emerge as there were people running around screaming and yelling as they tried to leave the area.

"WHERE ARE YOU ALL GOING!?" Dabi asked with a crazed look on his face as he activated his quirk, emitting huge blue flames. "THE FUN'S JUST ABOUT TO BEGIN!" Mr. Compress said as he pulled out his marbles. Both Dabi and Compress began their attacks. Dabi shot his fire towards the stand where the crowd of civilians were running around. Compress three his marbles around, capturing students and random civilians.

Heroes that were present split into groups. Some went to the crowd of civilians and students to get them to safety while others made their way to the two trouble making villains. Many heroes ended up unconscious in their attempt in trying to subdue the two.

"Where's All Might!?" A random hero called.

"He-" The hero was captured by Compress' marble and was burnt by Dabi's fire.

Over with Izuku.....

Izuku stood there by the window as he watched the chaos play out. He had a crazed look on his face. 'Yes... Yes! Release the chaos! Release your true self! Make yourself known! Show them that we are the L.O.V.He thought to himself. "You really are enjoying this, huh?" Kaminari said as he walked up behind Izuku with a cold grin on his face. He too is enjoying the chaos that is playing out. Izuku glanced behind him and smirked. "Of course. I will not sit back and watch my people be degraded by these people who call themselves 'heroes'." He said, his voice filled with disdain. Kaminari nodded in understanding. HE knew what it felt like to be degraded and mistreated. Hell his whole life he was mistreated by heroes whenever his parents weren't around. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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