Chapter 5: The Movie Night

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I quickly change into a simple outfit consisting of jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket, basically the inly clothes in my overnight bag that I had brought with me to the B&B earlier on that day. I shoot a quick text to Ffion and Sophie saying that I was going out and should be back in a couple hours and if I wasn't, I'd be back in time for us to leave in the morning. I head out of the small, minimalistic room, grabbing my phone on the way and chucking it in my backpacker, locking the room door behind me.

 I head out of the small, minimalistic room, grabbing my phone on the way and chucking it in my backpacker, locking the room door behind me

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(The outfit^)

I make my way down the wooden staircase and out of the B&B, heading out to my car and getting in. I pull up the text that Beth had sent me earlier that day that told me her address as I put it in my satnav. As the directions begin, I start the car and pull out of the space, following them to a tee.

The drive is peaceful, well, as peaceful as possible in the hustle and bustle that is London with the radio playing the usual tracks quietly in the background. After around about a short fifteen minute drive, I park outside Beth's house and get out of the car, locking it behind me.

As I walk up to her front door, I take notice of the modest exterior of the house and well-maintained front garden. I knock lightly on the door with three light taps and the door immediately open with Beth welcoming me with a wide smile as she speaks softly, "Hiya Ellie, come on in. The girls are all inside." I nod back in response with a soft smile as I enter her home, immediately feeling a homely atmosphere settle around me, something I haven't felt in a while.

As she guides me to her living room, I take notice of all the photo frames along the walls containing images of her family and friends. We enter the room with everyone simply saying hi and I take a seat in the inly space available, which happens to be next to Leah. I hesitate slightly before sitting down, wary of my attraction to the stunning blue-eyed woman next to me as I sit down on the comfortable sofa.

Once I sit down, Leah turns to look at me with a soft smile and I smile back. The moment is interrupted when Beth asks if anyone wants anything to drink and I just ask for a water, knowing I need to drive back later, whereas everyone else says some kind of alcoholic drink. I look up at Beth when I realise the amount of drinks she needs to get, "do you want a hand?" I offer.

She immediately agrees with a laugh so I get up and follow her out of the living room and into the kitchen where she turns to me and says "just a forewarning, the girls might ask you a fair amount of questions but if you feel uncomfortable just nod over to me and I'll change the subject."

I breathe a sigh of relief "thankyou, I'm not always good in group settings but once I get to know everyone I should be fine."

A warm smile spreads across Beth's face, "Viv is exactly the same, don't worry."

I nod in response and she passes me a few of the previously requested drinks and a bottle of water for me before we begin the walk back into her living room. I pass Katie and Jen their drinks as Beth hands out the rest, taking a seat in my previous spot next to Leah. Usually, I'm more on edge around New people but for some reason being next to Leah gives me a sense of calm.

In the corner of my eye, Beth is picking up the TV remote. "Right," She announces, "I want no arguments, especially from scaredy cat over there, yes I'm looking at you Williamson," she points at Leah with a glare jokingly, "we are watching Scream."

Leah immediately goes to disagree and protest but Beth simply smirks at her, "if you get scared I'm sure Ellie will protect you." She says this with a teasing tone, as if there's something only her and Leah know. My assumption is proved further when I notice a light pink tint fall over Leah's cheeks.

I place my arm on the back of the sofa, behind Leah's head as I lean slightly closer to her and mumble as the movie starts "if you get scared you can move closer to me, I don't mind."

She turns her head to me, casting me a grateful smile and about half way through the film I notice her getting more and more tense as the plot progresses. I go to place my hand on her knee but I hesitate and decide to place my hand on top of hers, which are sitting on her lap. I notice her tense up more at my touch, the cold rings on my fingers a contrast to the warmth of her hands and I go to move my hand away. A jumpscare come up on the film as she immediately grips onto my hand tightly in response. A soft blush begins to rise on my cheeks, going unnoticed in the room, the only light source being the television. I let my thumb trace patterns on the top of her hand, trying to help calm her down and she starts to relax beneath my touch.

We stay like that for another half an hour until a massive jumpscare comes up and she immediately let's out a high pitched squeak as turns, burying her head in my shoulder before moving fairly abruptly once she realises her actions, mumbling a soft "sorry."

I place my arm around her shoulders and gently pull her slightly closer to me, whispering "it's okay, I don't mind."

I hear her let out a soft sigh of relief as she rests her head on my shoulder. Every now and then, she jumps slightly. With each jump, her body moves closer and closer to mine until our knees brush against eachother slightly. I blush softly, feeling slightly nervous and giddy with her being so close and my heart feels like it's going to pound out of my chest. In a few minutes I begin to relax and her head finds its way to my chest.

Towards the end of the film I notice soft snores escaping her mouth, 'she's fallen asleep' I think. I could wake her up, but I don't, instead I hold her closer. The film finishes and the girls begin to trickle out as I shake Leah's shoulder slightly, trying to get her to wake up. Beth notices she's fallen asleep and whispers softly to me, "she's a deep sleeper that one, she won't wake up unless you shout. It's alright though, you can head home or wherever you're staying at the moment. She can sleep on the sofa."

I shake my head and whisper back, "what's her address? I can take her home, I don't mind."

After a few minutes, I finally manage to convince Beth that I really don't mind and she tells me Leah's address. I get up slowly and let Leahs head rest on the back of the sofa instead of my chest and I place an arm under her knees and head, effortlessly picking her up. I carry her out of Beth's house, whispering a swift "goodbye" and "thankyou" as I head out with the sleeping girl, resting securely in my hold. I place her in the passenger seat of my car and put her seatbelt on. As I close her door, I notice her head falls away from the head rest and rests against the window. I get in the drivers side, typing her addressing my satnav and start to make my way to her house.

AN: it's a small one again folks! Also if there's any typos and grammatical mistakes I apologise. I've written this while I'm fairly tipsy and don't particularly have the energy to proofread it. Let me know if you guys want to see anything in particular x

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