Chapter 10: Flirtatious remarks

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We jump apart from one another, a furious blush spread across Leah’s cheeks. I can feel my own cheeks burning red and we just stare at each other for a moment, breathing heavily. The person outside knocks again.

“I- uh- I need to- uh- see who that is,” Leah breathes out shakily and makes her way to her front door, running her hand through her hair on the way,

I follow after her, trying to calm my breathing but not being able to manage it. I soon make my way behind Leah, resting my arm up against the wall, my bicep flexing ever so slightly at the motion. I hear the click of the door being opened as Leah opens it to reveal….


Beth stands there holding a jacket up proudly with a wide smile.

Then just as she’s about to say something, she notices me and a smirk spreads across her lips as her eyes widen. She takes notice of the blush adorning both mine and Leah’s cheeks. “Did I interrupt something?” She teases,

Leah is quick to deny it with a furious shake of her head and reinfirms it, “no, no. You uh- didn’t um- interrupt anything, Beffy. What you doing here?”

Beth scoffs comically and dramatically wacks her hand above her heart, gasping out, “Leah Catherine Williamson! Amanda taught you better manners than that,” a smile spreads across her face as she waves over at me, “hey, Ellie,” I nod back to her in response and she continue, “I was being the best best-friend that I am and decided to bring you your jacket which you left last night.” She adds.

“Well, Meado. I am very thankful,” Leah replies with a soft smile.

Beth passes Leah her jacket then looks over at me, “how did you manage to get sleepy head over here inside last night? Her spare key is really hard to find,” Beth whines out then lets out a soft laugh.

I freeze and gulp. Both Leah and I glance at each other and I answer, “I took Leah to my B&B room last night. Once I realised she didn’t have her key and was too tired to tell me where the spare one was. Of course,” I laugh nervously, “I wouldn’t have taken her to my room before doing that first-”

“-Els stop waffling.” Leah laughs out nervously, cutting me off.

Beth looks between us suspiciously before looking directly at Leah with a smirk as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Leah slaps Beth's arm gently and mumbles something inaudible to her.

“Well, I better get off. I’ve left Vivianne alone in the car.” Beth laughs out as she points to Viv sat in the car.

“Bye Beffy, see you later mate.” Leah states with a smile.

“Hwyl fawr,” I say with a smile as I wave to Beth as she walks away and gets into her car.

Leah shuts her front door and turns to look at me with a shocked expression adorning her face, “Was that Welsh, Els?”

I tilt my head to the side as a soft smirk spreads across my lips, “ydw, blue eyes,” a soft smile now replaces the previous smirk, “English isn’t my first language so sometimes I slip into Welsh accidentally,” I lean down slightly, towering over Leah slightly, “do you like it when I speak Welsh, blue eyes?”

A blush spreads across her pale cheeks, “maybe,” Leah moves slightly closer to me, “but that's for me to know and you to find out isn't it, Jones?” Leah mutters with a soft smirk, winking at me lightly before stepping back and around me, walking down the hallway, “come back into the living room when you’re ready Els!” She calls out as I stand frozen.

Did she just flirt with me? Did she, Leah Williamson, flirt with me, Ellie Jones? I mean… What other explanation is there? Welsh is hardly the language of love. Some can even argue it’s the least attractive language out there. I need to go. I need to go to the living room. I have been out here too long, she’s gonna think it’s weird. I can’t move, I feel like I can’t catch my breath. I place a hand to my chest but I feel it rising and falling, I’m breathing fine. So why do I feel like all the ait has been snatched from my lungs?

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