Chapter 17: Comfortable Silence

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"Pack your bags and get the fuck out of my house you goddamn dyke! Take your disappointment of a sister too! You're no goddamn dau-"

I wake up with a start, sitting up in Leah's bed with a cold sweat. My chest heaves as I fight for breath, I feel someone holding me and I fight against it, trying to escape. I feel like I'm trapped in my own skin and I need to get out of here. I fight harder for breath, feeling someone cup my cheek and turn my face to face them. They lean forward, resting their forehead against mine. I don't know who it is, my vision going blurry as I start to get light headed. All I can hear is my heartbeat pounding in my eyes.

I manage to reach my hands out, grasping onto the person's shirt, gripping it tightly. They pull me closer and my breath starts to come back, slowly but surely. My vision starts to clear up, my hearing coming back into focus. The first thing I notice is those blue eyes, gazing up into mine, worried. I slowly start to relax, my tension filled muscles loosening. Suddenly, I feel as if my bones are weighing me down and all I can do is rest my head on Leah's shoulder. I feel her fingers weave into my hair, running her fingers through it.

"It's alright, dimples, it's okay. I'm here, you're alright." She whispers softly into the darkness.

I slowly lift my head off her shoulder and rest my forehead against hers. She leans in closer, her nose brushing mine.

"I'm sorry." I whisper softly as my eyes close, finding comfort in her touch.

I feel her hand reach up, gently cupping my cheek, she whispers, "you don't need to apologise, Ellie. Are you okay?"

I whisper softly, "fuck, I don't know. All I know is wanna be close to you right now..."

My eyes flutter open and I'm greeted by her small, soft smile. She whispers softly, "well, I guess it's a good thing that can be easily arranged."

I glance down at her lips before moving my gaze back up to her eyes, I lean in closer to her, my breath intermingling with hers. She leans in and my eyes flutter closed as she softly connects her lips with mine in a gentle kiss. I slowly move my lips against hers in a lazy kiss. She slowly pulls away and presses a soft kiss on my cheek, close to my lips, before pulling away slightly and whispering, "we can talk about it, or we can go to the place I showed you when you first came here. It's about 6am."

I nod and whisper softly, "One Tree Hill?"

She gazes up at me with a soft smile and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and I sigh softly at her subtle touch. She whispers back, "One Tree Hill."


She drives to the top of the hill this time, saving us the hike. It's quieter than usual with it still being dark, the sun not rising just yet. She reverses and turns the ignition off. She gets out of her car, walking round to the passenger side and opening the door for me. I undo my seat belt and she holds out her hand, I take up the silent offer and get out of her car, taking her hand in mine.

She slowly guides me to the back of her car, opening up the boot, revealing a bundle of blankets and pillows, set up already.

I laugh softly, "you do this with all your girls?"

She laughs softly, shaking her head softly before speaking quietly, "no one, actually."

I look down with a soft smile and she climbs into the boot of her car and pulls me in alongside her. She pulls the blanket over us and raise my arm, a subtle invitation, which she eagerly takes, cuddling into me and resting her head on my chest as we look out at the view of London, the sky starting to lighten up as the sun begins to replace the moon as night turns into day.

I gaze down at her softly, "fancied a cwtch, did you, blue eyes?"

She laughs softly, "what the fuck is a cwtch?"

I laugh softly, "what d'you mean, what's a cwtch?"

She laughs and looks up from my chest, "yes, what the fuck is a cwtch?"

"Is that not something you say in England?"

"No, it's not," she laughs softly, "enlighten me, Welshie"

I laugh softly, gazing down at her, "that what you calling me now, Le? Fucking Welshie?"

She giggles softly and gently pokes my side, "just answer the bloody question, Jones."

"It's a cuddle, Williamson."

She winks up at me, jokingly, "then yes, dimples, I fancied a cwtch." She whispers, placing emphasis on the term.

I smile widely, "shut up, Le."

We laugh softly and turn our gaze from each other, out toward the view, the sky turning orange as the sun begins to peak over the horizon, bathing us in orange light. I gaze down at Leah, her face being bathed in orange lighting, giving her an ethereal glow.

"You're fucking stunning, you know that, right?" I whisper softly.

She blushes softly and I lean down and press a soft kiss to the top of her head. I whisper softly, "thankyou, Le."

She looks up at me confused, "for what?"

"Just... just y'know... just everything. I feel comfortable with you. Safe." I speak quietly, almost as if it's a secret.

She speaks quietly, gazing up at me, "I feel comfortable with you too, Els."

A comfortable silence engulfs us as we both just look out at the view, the sun rising further and higher as we watch.

AN: Hey guys, a somewhat short one once again. But, alas, chapter 17 everyone!

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