Chaoter 11: Staring at the Sunset

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After we’ve been driving for about an hour, Leah pulls over onto the side of the road well, a patch of grass really. We’re surrounded by trees on the side of the road and the sun casts an orange glow all around.

I turn to look over at Leah, “where are we?” I ask with a soft smile.

“One Tree Hill.” She replies.

I let out a soft chuckle, “isn’t that a tv show?” I inquire.

Leah laughs softly, “yes, but I’m not referring to that,” she gently raises her hand and points outside the car window on my left, “we’re surrounded by trees, I’m hardly talking about the tv show, Els.” She states with a soft laugh.

“Well, Williamson. Why are we at One Tree Hill then?” I ask with a soft smirk.

“Because when I was hiking with the team I got lost. It was a team building exercise and they didn’t notice I was missing until they got to the top,” she lets out a soft laugh and shakes her head, “but that's not the important bit. Basically, when I got lost I managed to stumble across a small gap in the trees where you can see the skyline of London without all the people around that would be when you’re at the top. Since then I’ve always retraced my steps to that clearing when I just want to get away from everyone and everything for a while. Like I said earlier in the cafe,” she turns to me and maintains eye contact as a moment of silence settles around us before she speaks once again, quieter this time, “I know places we won’t be found.”

I mumble softly while maintaining eye contact, “you certainly do, blue eyes.”

For a moment there is nothing. Just silence. All that can be heard is the sound of our relaxed breathing as we just sit there and look at eachother. I let my eyes fall from hers as I take a glance down at her lips then back up to her eyes. I notice as she does the same. I want nothing more than to finish what we started earlier, what Beth interrupted.

But I don't. Instead I mumble softly, “we came here for the sunset right?”

Leah seems to snap out of the trance that both of us seemed to be stuck in previously as she replies in a calm tone, “yeah,” she glances down at the time shown next to the radio in her car, “we should start walking now so we don’t miss it.”

I nod in response and I undo my seatbelt, the click and swooshing sound filling the silence as Leah follows suit. I open the car door carefully, getting out quickly and making my way to the driver's side. I place my hand on the handle of her car door and pull it, opening the car door gently. I offer her my hand with my palm facing upwards as an invitation. Wordlessly, she takes it and I help her out of the car and I shut the door behind her.

I look down at her and mumble softly, “lead the way, Le.”

She looks up at me and gently pulls on our conjoined hands as she leads me through a small gap into the trees and into the surrounding forest.


After we've been walking for around half an hour, she directs me through a passage in the trees. By now, we're far away from the trail and I can see how she got lost before. I haven’t taken note of a single turn we've made as we've hiked through the forest. All I can think about is her soft hand in mine that she hasn’t dropped for a single second since I helped her out of her car. Without uttering a single word she intertwines our fingers as she pulls me through yet another gap in the trees. My breath hitches at the change but a soft gasp leaves my lips as I look around from the clearing she led me to. All you can see for miles is the skyline of London with a background of the setting sun.

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