Chapter 13: Feels Like

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After Jonas ends training, I'm about to walk out of the training grounds and over to my car when I hear Katie shout my name and wave me over to where she stands with Jen, Beth, Viv, and... Leah. I hesitate slightly before walking over to them, planting a wide smile across my lips, my dimples popping out slightly. I sling my arm around Jen's shoulders, smiling down at her. I speak in a light-hearted tone, "where you been hiding today, Beattie? Feel like I've hardly seen you."

Jen laughs and wraps her arm around my waist, matching my tone, "how could I ever hide away from you, love? You're about as tall as a fucking giraffe."

At this, everyone bursts out laughing hysterically, but as I calm down and slowly stop laughing, I notice Leah glaring at Jen's arm around my waist. My eyebrows furrow as I start feeling confused, wondering why she looks slightly pissed off. I catch her eye and mouth 'are you okay?'. She either doesn't know what I'm trying to lip sync, or she's simply ignoring me. I sigh softly before planting a soft smile on my face and speaking to the group, my arm falling off of Jen's shoulders and her arm falling from my waist, "what was Katie waving me over for then?"

Beth speaks softly, looking up at me, "we're all meeting up for dinner, we were wondering if you wanted to come? We know you only moved houses a couple days ago, so it would save you cooking."

I smile softly before speaking, "I would love to but," Leah looks up at me, noticing my hesitation and I finish speaking, locking eyes with her, "I can't. Anytime Ffion tries to cook, there's a very big chance that the fire station might need to come and rescue my house." I laugh softly.

Leah steps in and speaks for the first time since I walked over, "Ffion can come as well, right, guys?," she looks around at the group and everyone nods enthusiastically and then Leah speaks again, "I mean, obviously, you don't need to. But, like, you could, y'know? None of us would mind."

I gaze down at her with a smile and nod, "yeah, okay, text me the details."

The girls cheer, except Viv who simply smiles over at me and nods. I nod back before glancing over at Leah once again, my gaze seemingly drawn to her, she's smiling softly, looking down at the ground.

I speak once again, "well, I'll ask Ffion and let you guys know what's happening. I can't remember if she's catching up with an old friend tonight or tomorrow, so I'll let you know."

Everyone nods and bids their farewells, the group dispersing and everyone walking over to their own cars, apart from Leah. I notice this and walk over to her. I stand beside her and speak softly, gazing down at her before speaking softly, "you okay?"

She smiles up at me softly before speaking, "yeah, I'm okay. I just need to call a taxi. I ran out of petrol in my car and didn't realise.

I nod in response before nodding towards my car, "I'll drop you home, no need for you to call a taxi. Come on."

She smiles softly and speaks quietly, "are you sure, Els? I don't want to be a bother."

I laugh softly, "positive. Now, come on, blue eyes, let's go." I speak softly, accidentally letting her nickname fall from my lips once again, but this time I don't think anything of it, perceiving it as normal.

I reach out, taking her hand in mine, the softness of her palm contrasting with my calloused hand. I gently pull her over to my car, opening the passenger side door for her before letting go of her hand and walking over to the driver's side, watching her get into my car with a soft smile. I get into the driver's seat and put the keys in the ignition, starting the car and typing her address into my satnav. I can feel Leah watching me as I type it in.

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