Chapter 14: Into You

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I turn my head to the side to look at my phone on the counter, which is ringing. I don't move away from Leah and she doesn't move away from me. I turn my head to the side and gaze down into her deep blue eyes, murmuring softly, "it's Beth."

I feel her hands slowly slide up my arms and she wraps her arms around the back of my neck, tangling one hand in my short hair. She lifts her head up and places a series of soft kisses along my jawline until she reaches my ear as she whispers softly, "ignore it."

I pull her closer to me with my hands on her waist. She moves her head away from my ear, looking down at my lips, my eyes falling to her lips. I lean down and connect my lips with hers once again, kissing her passionately, desperately. She kisses back, matching my pace and I effortlessly lift her up onto the kitchen counter. Her hands run over my shoulders as she whispers breathlessly, "fucking hell you're strong," she leans back in and kisses me passionately, picking up where we left off.

I kiss her back immediately as my hands slowly run along her sides before falling to her thighs. My hands slowly begin to slide up her thighs as I pull away from the kiss and start to press open-mouthed kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Leah's breathing quickens and she lets out a soft gasp as my lips make contact with her pulse point. I suck gently over her pulse point, my teeth gently grazing her skin as she lets out a soft groan.

The door knocks loudly and I groan, frustrated, resting my head on her shoulder.

The door knocks louder and i mumble, "for fuck sake," I sigh and step back from Leah as she jumps down off of her kitchen counter as she clears her throat gently, blushing furiously. She speaks softly as she fixes her hair, "I'll go see who it is."

I nod and she walks up to her front door, I hear her open the door and then hear Beth's voice loudly. I sigh and walk up to Leah's front door, plastering a smile on my face. I stand behind Leah and as if she can sense my presence, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

I smile over at Beth lopsidedly, "hiya mate, you aight? I've just seen I had a missed call from you."

A smirk slowly spreads across Beth's lips as she takes quick glances between the two of us, looking at Leah and I, knowingly.

She speaks suspiciously, narrowing her eyes slightly, "what you doing at Leah's, EJ?"

I raise my eyebrows at her, "where did EJ come from?"

She rolls her eyes with a smile and looks at Leah as if she knows something I don't.

"Why are you changing the subject?" Beth asks inquisitively.

I gulp softly and as if Leah can sense my nervousness, she gently takes my hand in hers, the doorway blocking our hands from Beth's view. She traces shapes over the back of my hand with her thumb, lightly as she speaks softly, "Els was just dropping me home and I invited her in for a cuppa. What are you doing here, Meado?"

Beth squints her eyes suspiciously as she looks between us questioningly. She hums softly, "m'kay whatever you say," she stops squinting her eyes and smiles up at Leah and I widely, "I just came to tell Leah about the change of plans she wasn't answering her phone. I was going to yours next, actually. So, I may as well tell you both now. We couldn't book a table at the Old White Lion, so we gotta go to the Wrestlers. You guys okay with that?"

Leah and I nod.

"I have no idea where either of those places are, so I don't care to be honest. As long as I can eat something there, it's all good." I say unbothered.

Beth nods, "good good. I'll send you the address, EJ. Leah, you know where it is anyway. See you guys at 8." Beth states matter of factly with a wide smile before turning around and walking away.

Leah closes the front door and turns around to face me. I look down at her slightly nervously. I speak softly, "I better go get ready. Do you want a lift there later? Or are you okay?"

She looks up at me with a soft smile, "nah, I'm gonna get a taxi. I suggest you do as well," she laughs softly, "when the girls drink, they drink. Most of the time no one can walk in a straight line to the bar, let alone drive."

I nod and smile down at her softly, "I'll see you there then, blue eyes."

She nods and I open her front door once again and leave, turning around to wink at her with a lopsided smile before getting in my car and driving off.

AN: Just a short one this time round, I've managed to do all my homework for once, so here you go guys. Let me know what you guys think and if you wanna see anything in particular x

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