Izuku x Denki

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(Izuku no matter where he is has to be perfect. If he's at home with his mom he has to be perfect. If he's with his brother he has to be perfect. If he's with his arranged marriage he fills like he has to be perfect.  Even though she's in love with someone else. Even at school he has to be perfect. One day he snaps at his brother. And hides in a room in the school. Nezu sends Shiggy into the room to apologize to his brother. While the whole school watches.)

Shiggy opens the door and walks in "Hey up Izu. I'm sorry okay. So let like uh huh?" Izuku growls "Hug it out! Have you lost your mind?!" Shiggy sighs "Izu I fell like your upset. So let's just hug." Izuku growls "Get out!" He turns to his brother "Everything was perfect. Mom was happy. The family was happy. You wanna be a better brother? Apologize for ruining my life. Go on. Apologize!" Shiggy rolls his eyes "I... am... sorry... that your life is so great!" Izuku glares and flings his arms out shooting vines at his brother "Out!" The vines wrap around his brother leg and starts dragging him out. Shiggy groans as he hits stuff as he is being dragged out "Wait! Fine! I apologize! I wasn't trying to ruin your life! Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish...!" Izuku spins around as Shiggy says "entitled prince!" Izuku makes the vines let go of his brother as he walks towards him "Selfish? I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life! And literally, the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!" Shiggy groans "Nothing is messed up! You can still marry that big dumb hunk!" Izuku growls "I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for the family! I'm in love with someone else!" Shiggy gasps "Oh, my gosh. Izu, that is a very serious confession." Izuku growls but notices that a cactus had bloomed in the middle of his anger. Shiggy doesn't notice as he says "Okay, get over here. Bring it in. Izu?" Izuku looks at the cactus "I just made something unexpected." He touches the cactus "Something sharp, something new!" He picks up the cactus "It's not symmetrical or perfect! But it's beautiful and it's mine! What else can I do?" Shiggy walks towards Izuku "Bring it in, bring it in!
Good talk, bring it in, bring it in! Let's walk, bring it in, bring it in! Free hugs, bring it in, bring it in!" Izuku ignores his brother "I grow rows and rows of roses. Sakurasou, by the mile. I make perfect, practiced poses. So much hides behind my smile." He takes off running and jumps on a vine. "What could I do if I just grew what I was feelin' in the moment?" Shiggy blinks as he sees the vines take his brother up.
"Do you know where you're going?" He gasps as a vine grabs him and pulls him up too "Whoa!" Izuku jumps into the air and lands on a Chamaecyparis obtusa "What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect? It just needed to be? And they'd let me be?" He throws his arms out as he screams "A hurricane of cheery blossoms. Strangling Vitis coignetiae." Shiggy blinks when he realizes a tree is growing "big!" Izuku scream "hanging vines." As he shoots vines at his brother. Shiggy groans when they wrap around him "this is fine!" A lemon lime scent fills the air as Izuku climb and pushs through. "What else can I do?" Shiggy is hanging on a branch "Can I deliver us a river of sundew? Careful, it's Lycoris radiata, a little just won't do." Izuku pulls his brother up "I wanna feel the shiver of something new! I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?" Shiggy blinks at his brother "You just seem like your life's been a dream! Since the moment you opened your eyes!" Izu looks down as he says "How far do these roots go down?" Shiggy smiles "All I know are the blossoms you grow. But it's awesome to see how you rise." Izu smiles "How far can I rise? To the roof, to the skies! Let's go!" Izuku throws his hands out "A hurricane of cheery blossoms. Strangling Vitis coignetiae. Hanging vines. A lemon lime scent fills the air as I push through." Shiggy smiles "What else! What else?" Izu smiles "What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?" Shiggy smiles "Seize the moment, keep goin'!" Izuku spins around  What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect?" Shiggy smiles and grabs his brothers hands "But I'll still be okay Hey, everybody clear the way, woo!" Izuku jumps around  "I'm comin' through with tabebuia." Shiggy smiles "He comin' through with that boo-yeah!" He throws out his hand and makes waves with some veins "Making waves, changing minds!" Shiggy hugs Izuku "you've changed mine!" Izuku smiles "The way is clearer 'cause you're here, and well. I owe this all to you! What else can I do?" Shiggy smiles "Show 'em what you can do!" Izuku smiles "What else can I do?" Shiggy spins around with Izuku "There's nothing you can't do!" Izuku and Shiggy jump and land in a pile of Cherry blossoms "What else can I do?" He laughs and hugs his brother "Thank you shigs."

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