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Dear D

It sounds like you need to escape from your cul-de-sad-sack! Most of the kids at school hate the countryside, think it's boring and believe that town has everything they want. That's fine if all you want is to get shit-faced at the bars that turn a blind eye to underage drinkers, or hang out at the rec centre to do bugger all. I'd rather bike to the beach or find something of interest I can photograph or draw.

Toph (a boy who works at the garden centre) says that I'm a 'throwback weirdo', but I say that's better than being a throw-up weirdo like the kids in town.

I used to believe in God when I was little, but I used to believe in Father Christmas too... I think with all the terrible things that happen in the world, with innocent children getting awful diseases and so on, that there can't be a god. If there was, he or she would work in horrible ways, not mysterious ones!

In answer to your question, if I studied art, it might put me off the painting I enjoy now. Is that what happened to you?


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