1980s Pop Culture Was Awful

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Dear D

You don't remember what it's like to be a teenager. There is so much pressure to fit in, and some girls can be really judgemental. The boys aren't as bad. At least they are rude to your face. I've had so-called friends who are lovely when they are around me and then I find them laughing at me behind my back. And all about such superficial things – what clothes you wear, how you have your hair cut, which pop star you fancy, which stupid soap operas you watch on TV! These aren't the important things in life, unless you are a teenager and don't want to be banished to the far corners of the playground. I had enough of that at my last school. Girls blowing hot and cold with me because of something I said (or didn't say) about a new jacket or something they had done with their hair or a LOOK I had given god knows who!

It's easier to keep myself to myself most of the time. There is one girl here (Amy) who seems okay, but I don't want to ruin things with her by saying too much! We mostly talk about school and teachers (not you, of course... well, maybe a little!).

I love dogs! We had a pointer/collie cross called Charlie until a couple of years ago. When Charlie died, I cried for weeks. Dad was really upset, too. Mum says our new house's garden is too small to have a dog, but I don't think dogs care about that as long as you walk them. You could have a dog for sure!


P.S. I've nearly finished the form for St Hibbert's, but the essay is hard. It's lucky you've taught me how to write them! In the meantime, tell me what your paintings were like.

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