Appreciate the World

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Dear M

You are a little cynical for someone so young. Yes, terrible things happen in the world, but amazing things too. Overall, I think people are good and I have often seen (and experienced) the kindness of strangers, especially when travelling.

But no, I don't believe in a god, at least not a religious god, a single being who directs things. Perhaps the universe functions like some kind of super-intelligent consciousness, the way that our consciousness comes out of a collection of interconnected nerve cells. But if that were the case, I'm sure it would be beyond our understanding.

As Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I think same is true of science. We don't have the science to explain everything yet, and because of this, some people have to ascribe the existence of the world and what happens to a supernatural being. It is interesting that every society, every civilisation, has its own religions, its own god/s, and they are there to serve a purpose, to help people come to terms with things they don't understand. Nowadays, I think science can do that. And there will always be things we don't understand, but that is part of the joy of life. How boring to understand it all!

Science gives us a way to appreciate life, and art gives us the way to show that appreciation. There is a lot of good in the world, a lot of joy too. You should find a way to celebrate that in your art. And no, going to art college didn't put me off painting. Going to art college would make you more passionate about your art, I'm sure.


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