Good Atheists Too

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Dear D

I'm so glad that you aren't a religious nut. Yes, there are good religious people in the world but there are also good atheists! Yes, religious people do good, but bad things are done in the name of religion too. And even with science to help us, we appear to go two steps forward and one step back. We fight fewer wars, right, but is it because we have nuclear weapons as a deterrent? What if someone decides to press the button? Bloody terrifying.

Toph asked me out yesterday, but I didn't feel like going into town to kick cans around with the rec centre deadbeats. I'd have liked to bike out to lunch at a pub garden, but it was hosing down. What do you do in bad weather like we've had this weekend? I've been going stir crazy!


P.S. I've got the application form for St Hibbert's in front of me. I might fill it in if you fill me in on WHY you stopped painting.

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