Dean's Last Letter

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Dear Martha

It's hard to write, but I owe you an explanation for what is happening. I have to leave my position because I became closer to you than a teacher should. None of that was your fault. You have a bright future ahead of you and my moving on is for the best. Apart from my wife stumbling upon the letters (with a crowbar), no one knows anything. I assume she forwarded one of them to Miss Staverly, but I have the rest. I have a feeling that we can count on Miss Staverly's confidence.

Kristina shouldn't bother you either. She didn't lose any time moving in with a friend of hers and I have taken what I needed and left her the house and everything in it. I'll be living in a quiet place where I can find my old self and hopefully return to painting, something you have inspired me to do.

Now that I have left the school, you can work without my interference. Please see this as an opportunity to focus on your last school year. Your techniques are at a point where there is little more I could have taught you, but you will need to follow through to pass the exams that will get you into St Hibbert's. You will flourish there, as anyone with talent does. You know how much I think of you and your art. I hope you pursue whatever course you take with the passion I have seen in you. You are one of the special ones whose soul shines brightly. Like foolish Icarus, it dazzled me in a way that could only do harm.

I'm sorry to have let my attraction to you disrupt your life.Every teacher wants the best for their students, but that intention led me to cross the line. I am the one to blame. You are talented, beautiful and empathetic. A combination that may be hard to resist, but I should have. There is no excuse and I'm sorry for the mess I'm leaving behind. It's not too late to make good, though. You have a brilliant future as an artist and an individual and my only regret is not being able to witness more of it.

Take care.


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