Martha Returns to School

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Martha returned to school. Amy was outside the school gates to meet her off the bus. "Hello Martha. I heard what happened to your friend. I'm really sorry that I didn't get to meet her. She must've been a lovely person."

Martha nodded. "She was, and it's okay. I mean, it wasn't just Joan."

"Why, what is it?"

"It's everything, really." Martha winced. She had said too much.

"What else has happened? What's going on with you and Toph? Are you okay?"

"It just didn't work out."

"But you looked so cuuute together."

"Looks aren't everything, Amy. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it."

Amy could see that tears were forming in the corners of Martha's eyes. "Of course not. Well, don't worry, we'll soon find you someone new. Someone even better. Someone tall, dark and handsome, eh? We've got art today. How about Mr Finlay?"

Martha couldn't hold it together anymore and began to cry.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Martha. I'm just being silly. Hey, let's go to the common room. We'll get ourselves a nice strong cup of cheap coffee and stir in the finest powdered milk we can find. I've brought Jammy Dodgers. Jammy Dodgers make everything all right."

Amy walked arm in arm with Martha into the school and kept guard all day. She fended off questions from other students who cared more about gossip than Martha's well-being. Martha was happy to have her protection, especially when she went into the art room. She knew she would fall to pieces if she made eye contact with Dean now. They were doing a life drawing class and Martha focused on the canvas, happy that the class's attention was on the folds, fat and wrinkles of the middle-aged woman in the centre of the room.

Martha relaxed, glad to lose herself in the work. It was good to be drawing, creating something out of nothing. She told herself she'd never give it up again. The bell rang, the model left, and Amy tugged at her sleeve, but Martha worked on. It was only when Dean flashed the lights that she realised she was the only one left in the room except him. She grabbed her stuff and dashed towards the door.

Dean intercepted her and his kind eyes met hers. "I'm sorry, Martha." He handed her her exercise book, she grabbed it and rushed out of the classroom, fumbling as she stuffed her paints and brushes into her bag. She dropped her exercise book, and a note fluttered onto the floor.

Check the location.

Location? The homework had been about the meanings of objects in still-life paintings. What had location got to do with it? Martha shoved the note into her bag and hefted it onto her shoulder.

On the bus the next day, she realised what an idiot she had been. She walked from the bus stop towards the school, then dropped back, pretending to check her bag for something. When she was sure no one else was around, she went and looked beside the Post. Sure enough, there was a plastic bag there. Inside it was an envelope. Martha put it in her bag and ran to school. She could barely think about anything else as she waited for break time to read the letter.

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